Questions tagged [data-loss]

36 questions
2 answers

Monitor Linux Server filesystem health and suspicious activities

I run my own, small server here. The server runs on Ubuntu 18.04. There is one single HDD using LVM on a partition together with EXT4. LVM is used for taking snapshots. I also use Webmin with Virtualmin for administration. During the past weeks, I…
C. Hediger
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How to track down data loss at /home?

On a Linux server, there seems to be loss of data at users homes. Where can we find information about the possible loss of data? How to proceed to change the defective Disk (supposing that the filesystem containing the homes is on an independent…
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Huge data loss in RAID 1 array

I've recently faced a huge data loss (everything from last 5 months) after one of my disk crashed, even if the RAID array is still fine. This disk was a SSD with my root partition (ext4), mirrored in a mdadm RAID 1 with a fake hardware raid RAID 1…
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The Backup Paradox

I have been thinking about how large companies backup their data. I imagine that in some critical enterprises they must consider every possibility and can't afford to lose even one bit of data. Of course they use backups. But what if the backup…
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I lost my AWS EBS volume completely. What are the odds of that?

I recently lost my EBS volume, leaving the data unrecoverable. I already knew that AWS isn't exactly concerned about the convenience of their customers and thus the risk of this happening was pretty likely. Thus, no damage has really been done its…
1 answer

Data Loss after Server Reboot

I have server on 2 ssd disks connected by Raid 1 Today I got 500 internal error on opening website. I have requested server management to reboot the computer. After reboot to my surprise all my directories, files, sql databases after July 2013 went…
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