I am new to ansible and I am trying to execute a very simple playbook : assign a static IP address to a centos7 machine I just cloned in Virtualbox.
I am starting from scratch as I surprisingly haven't found a simple playbook (accessible to new comers)
I found this post recommended way to configure a centos-7 network interface with static settings via ansible but the answer given doesn't make sense to me.
I tried a couple of options, regex into /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 and change IPADDR there, or use nmcli to do it, but I am ending with errors as I am not familiar enough with ansible's syntax (I am using Yaml).
what I am trying to achieve is to have a playbook I can call and I would just give the hostname and IP address as arguments:
ansible-playbook site.yml -i hosts.ini --extra_vars "ansible_ssh_host=<ip_address_of_newly_installed_host>" --limit <ansible_hostname_from_inventory>
just so I could call any host from this inventory file and reset the IP address to what I want:
cat hosts
centos ansible_host= ansible_user=root
master ansible_host= ansible_user=root
worker1 ansible_host= ansible_user=root
worker2 ansible_host= ansible_user=root
Thank you kindly for your help, much appreciated.