Questions tagged [conf]

59 questions
3 answers

What does the apache Satisfy directive do?

I stumbled upon a httpd.conf directive that I can't manage to understand: Order allow,deny Deny from all Satisfy All According to the doc , I would say that Satisfy doesn't have any effect since there is no Allow.…
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What is the difference between default-ssl.conf and what is 000-default-le-ssl.conf?

default-ssl.conf is quite self-explanatory. I assume it's for default values that would be used when no vhost or other config overrides it. But what exactly is 000-default-le-ssl.conf file? Why is it named the way it is? What's with the triple zeros…
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nginx PHP files downloading instead of executing

I'm trying to achieve following thing. I've main website under domain root directory. It's working fine. i.e PHP files are executed. After some time I've added "auth" directory with basic HTTP authentication. Next, I uploaded PHP program into "auth"…
1 answer

Unable to allow users access to SVN repo, what could be the cause?

I've installed a SVN server and configured a repository inside it. It is accessible by Apache. I've allowed access to 3 users, here are the repository conf files: [root@afdev conf]# egrep -v '^#'…
Itai Ganot
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HTTPS proxy in apache for rest API

Sounds like a basic question, but I don't know about apache config. Any help would be great. Since Open TSDB wont support https to send data(via REST API), we want to create a https proxy in apache or "Apache Tomcat". For example, the local machine…
Veerendra K
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Apache HTTPD: URL resolution for a virtual host with proxies and directory alias

Here's what my environment looks like: REST api (django), running over WSGI (mod_wsgi) on port http://server:8107/api static files for the API site (i have some admin pages), in a directory, say /opt/wsgi/staticfiles/subdomain Web application…
Olivier H
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Nginx try_files and named location not working as expected

Previously (about 5months ago) everything was working well, right now, instead of @app index.html is served. Same problem on nginx version: 1.6.2 and 1.8 This is my /etc/nginx.conf http { include mime.types; default_type …
Abc Xyz
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All of sudden, Nginx says "[emerg] "server" directive is not allowed" on first line of conf file

I'm pretty new to server administration and I'm having a huge headache trying to fix a nginx conf file that just won't work in a Debian remote machine. Whenever I try to debug the file doing nginx -c sites-enabled/ -t, i end up with…
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Conditionally serving high resolution and WebP images with nginx

Not sure if I'm trying to pull off the impossible, but I'm wanting to configure Nginx to serve ".webp" files to browsers that support the file format and serve fallback files (i.e. pngs, jpgs, etc.) to browsers that don't yet support the WebP…
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Nginx Config on DreamHost VPS

I got my site up and running on nginx on my Dreamhost VPS. Cool. I wanted to limit the number of connections per IP by adding the following to the http block of the site-wide nginx conf file…
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3 answers

Organizing .conf apache configuration per domain

I have a VPS server with CentOS with multiple domains (some I own, some I don't). I host my sites and my friends sites on it. I have this…
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why this .conf file is giving "Server directive is not allowed here" error?

I've read some other answers to the almost exactly same question, but they don't seem to be addressing my query (some of them due to diff environ etc). I'm setting up a new ubuntu server on DO. On it I created a file…
1 answer

PHP Dynamically generating redirects

I've recently moved all my of my rules from a .htacess file into a .conf file. Now when I want to add a redirect rule to my website I have to edit the .conf file and sudo apachectl graceful. I've now run into a problem in that I want to be able…
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Nginx try_files not working, redirected to 302

I need to access below url. http://localhost/admin/logout.php/?access_token=21fd3cfe5bab26131ff5244c08e5f520&continue=/ In my NGINX server, it is redirecting me to default page. Please find below my configs : 1st config tried ########## location /…
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Asterisk Confbridge conference. How to avoid eavesdroppers?

Trivia: I'm trying to implement a conference call management functionality on my Elastix server. The original problem was in the Elastix's unability to invite all participants in the conference via web interface. I found up that I can use…
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