Questions tagged [compression]

Decrease the size of data, typically to preserve space or reduce network bandwidth required while transmitting files. It can be applied to files, folders, disks, etc.

416 questions
3 answers

Limiting 7zip CPU usage on Windows Server 2008 (from batch file)

Does anyone know of a way (specific to 7zip or general) to limit the CPU usage of 7zip while it is archiving a long list of files? OS is Windows Server 2008 R2, and 7zip is run via command line from a batch file.
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3 answers

Faster zlib alternatives

I wonder, if there are any faster builds of zlib around with more advanced optimizations? If it's possible to optimize it using SSE instructions or Intel C++ compiller, or some trick which were patented earlier (I know patents were a serious…
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1 answer

How does a web server/the http protocol handle version control and compression?

When a client browser requests a file from the web server, I know that some kind of check is performed, because the files needed to serve the web page may already be cached by the web browser. So, if a file exists in the cache, no files are sent.…
7 answers

Compress and host large amounts of static HTML

I currently run a small website which is being used to host large amounts of (generated) static HTML. The problem is that disk space is limited, and the HTML is growing by 1GB a week. (The files are grouped into directories, with around 500 files…
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2 answers

HTTP compression in IIS 6.0 causing problems with certain users

We're getting a few sporadic customer calls (less than 0.1% of our users) complaining of not being able to access my company's website - either they get a blank page (if they use IE), or a "Content Encoding Error" that says the page uses an invalid…
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Is it safe to zip/tar hotcopied svn repositories?

We want to store our backups of our svn repositories as a flat file. We'd like to tar/zip the whole hotcopied directory. I know that we could dump it to a flat file but let's pretend that we'd rather use hotcopy instead. Are there any gotchas (i.e.…
Son of the Wai-Pan
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2 answers

How can I troubleshoot why my IIS7 site is not gzip compressing?

I've got a number of websites on a single IIS7 machine running W2K8. I'm using Fiddler to help me figure out if something is compressed or not. Nothing is. So, I've googled for a few things and tried some things out. I have the following…
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1 answer

Compression of Tomcat mod_jk results in Apache httpd

I'm developing a web application locally on my system, serving it using Tomcat (tomcat-7.0.52). In production, I want to front the Tomcat with an Apache httpd (Apache/2.2.15). This works and I managed to configure caching as needed. Now I want to…
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5 answers

7zip command line - cannot find code that works with archives

We are in the process of a server move, both to a new host and from a Server 2k8 box to a Server 2012 box. The server in question has a few drives that hold our sites and some utilities. These drives were duplicated exactly during the move. Data,…
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6 answers

What is good compression algorithm that can be used for Oracle .DMP files

I'm planning to compress the Oracle export dump files of all Oracle database servers to reduce space usage on their disks. My question is: Do you know of any good compression utility/algorithm for compressing this type of file?
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1 answer

Why can't I copy .zip files from a server to a server in a different domain?

At work, we're using a Windows Server 2008 R2 VM as our build server. At the end of the build process for any of our projects, we copy the packaged deployment files to a folder on the server where they'll be deployed. (This is done in a batch…
1 answer

Disable deflate compression in nginx SSL

When I'm browsing to my SSL protected site running nginx with Chrome, I see I'm using TLS 1.0, AES_256_CBC with SHA-1, and DHE_RSA as key exchange. That's all good and in conformance with my cipher suite settings. However, I'm using DEFLATE…
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2 answers

text compression in postfix

I'm having the following arrangement. One server compiling emails in php and another server which run postfix (thus I have network latencies). Each email is about 300Kb and so as to send an email (using Zend email class) it takes about 0.2s .…
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2 answers

Apache/2.2.20 (Ubuntu 11.10) gzip compression won't work on php pages, content is chunked

I'm running into a problem with a new production server whereto I'm transferring projects. The HTML output of the PHP applications isn't compressed by the Apache mod_deflate module. Other resources, as stylesheet and javascript files, even html…
2 answers

Why is IIS7 not compressing my static files?

I am trying to get IIS to compress jquery.js (and all other static files, but using jquery as the example here) on my localhost, but something goes wrong. The funny part is that when I look in my %SystemDrive%\inetpub\temp\IIS Temporary Compressed…
Peter Evjan
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