Questions tagged [compression]

Decrease the size of data, typically to preserve space or reduce network bandwidth required while transmitting files. It can be applied to files, folders, disks, etc.

416 questions
3 answers

ssh can't set compression level to more, than 6

When I do (I've tried various ways): ssh -v -C -o CompressionLevel=9 user@ip ssh -v -C -o 'CompressionLevel=9' user@ip ssh -v -o 'Compression=yes' -o 'CompressionLevel=9' user@ip ssh -v -o 'CompressionLevel=9' -o 'Compression=yes' user@ip ssh -v -C…
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5 answers

Should I use rsync compression over a gigabit LAN?

I normally use rsync's -z option to enable compression when transferring files over the internet. However, if I am on my own (idle) gigabit LAN, do I still want compression? Or will it be faster without it? What factors does this depend on? (I…
1 answer

Risks of setting noCompressionForHttp10 and noCompressionForProxies to false

We recently switched to Amazon Cloudfront for static content. It seems that Cloudfront does HTTP 1.0 requests to the origin server (IIS 7.0) using the Via header. By default IIS 7.0 disables file compression for both these options (HTTP 1.0 and…
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4 answers

backup files with many duplicated files

I frequently need to do a backup of a group of files, with many subfolders which contain several large, identical files. Is there a compression scheme (.zip, .7z, etc) which can automatically detect this and not store identical files more than once?
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3 answers

how to make rsync not uncompressing files?

I'm using rsync to copy files between servers, I'm using -z option what compresses data only for the network transfer stage. But I would like to leave compressed files on remote machine and I have not found this option in rsync. Is this possible…
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1 answer

Apache deflates .xml.gz files

I noticed an error in google webmaster tools regarding a gzipped version of a sitemap. Turns out the sitemap.xml.gz file is gzipped twice: one upon creation (as it should be) and another time when being served. The .htaccess file has this…
Matteo Riva
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10 answers

Can I compress an encrypted file?

I have an encrypted file (AES Symmetric encryption).For backup purposes and to save disk space, Can I compress (lossless) the file without worrying about messing up the decryption? If so, can you recommend some good compression programs for this…
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5 answers

How can I recursively bzip2 all files that aren't bzipped?

How can I recursively bzip2 all files that do not end with the .bz2 extension in Linux?
Alon Gubkin
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4 answers

silent 7za compression

Without doing stdout redirection. Is it possible to have a silent run of 7za?
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7 answers

How to "really" reduce the size of KVM VMs images?

I've spent many hours searching the web about how to shrink KVM virtual disk images, especially for Windows guests, with no luck. All I've found is to zeroize the VM free space, defrag the virtual disk (from Windows), and then run qemu-img convert…
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1 answer

How well does elasticsearch compress data?

I am looking to scope the servers required for an elasticsearch proof-of-concept. Ultimately, my question is this: Given 1GB of json text indexed by elasticsearch, how much can I expect to be occupied on disk by elasticsearch? Obviously there are…
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1 answer

Verify if the files can be unzipped successfully from 7Zip archive

We want to 7zip many database files (mysql, Oracle, and SQL Server dumps), various standard files (excel, word, etc), but we are afraid that once we 7Zip them and delete the originals it can happen that archive is corrupted or it has some error and…
4 answers

Packeteer Alternative

I have been tasked with starting to monitor and restrict our companies internet access. We have considered a Squid Proxy server but have decided we need something more robust then that. We would like many of the features commonly available on…
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1 answer

stuffit compression on linux?

I have a stuffit archive (.bin). I only have access to linux, how do I uncompress it? File Roller claims the ability to uncompress the archive, but it is unable. Wikipedia lists two resources to compress unstuff it on linux but one of the resources…
Ethan Heilman
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1 answer

Ultra-efficient compression

I store a very large (TBytes) amount of logs. These logs will rarely be extracted, and when they will - only a single file will be required. Could you recommend an ultra-efficient and extremely stable compression algorithm that's considerably better…
Adam Matan
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