Questions tagged [compression]

Decrease the size of data, typically to preserve space or reduce network bandwidth required while transmitting files. It can be applied to files, folders, disks, etc.

416 questions
3 answers

Content-Length not sent when gzip compression enabled in Apache?

I would really appreciate some help understanding this Apache behaviour. I am communicating to PHP from an iPhone Objective-C app in application/json. Gzip compression is enabled on the server, and requested by the client. From my…
William Denniss
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5 answers

Unzip from stdin to stdout - funzip, python

The goal is to read a zip file from stdin and uncompress to stdout. Funzip works and is the solution I am looking for, the zip contains a single file, unfortunately funzip fails when the compressed file size is around 1GB or greater: funzip error:…
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3 answers

How to use GZip to create a .zip file

Is it possible to use GZip to create a .zip file? I've been Googling and can't find anything that leads me to believe this is possible
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1 answer

How do you create a qcow2 file that is small yet commodious on a Linux server?

I believe that there are qcow2 files that displace a small amount of gigabytes on a server (as verified with a df -h on the physical server) yet allow for lots of space when you log into the virt-manager VM and issue a df -h. How do you create such…
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2 answers

Is it good practice to use NTFS Compression on IIS Log folders?

Is it a good practice to use NTFS Compression on a IIS Log folders and files? I was able to go down from 20GB to 7GB by doing this. The IIS logs are per day, and have an average size of 20MB but some extreme days have 200MB. I'm wondering if IIS has…
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3 answers

Store file in zip archive with different name (linux command shell)

In a linux command line, you zip a file by: zip -mqj file.txt Now, I need to store 'file.txt' as 'file2.txt' in '', without renaming the file before zipping. When unzipped, the file should be called 'file2.txt'. How can I…
Trident Splash
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4 answers

How to use the full LTO-2 Tape backup capacity of 200/400GB?

I have an Ultrium 448 tape drive, LTO-2 tapes (200/400GB) and I'm using HP Data Protector as the backup client. The system is set to format and overwrite all tapes but I never manage to get more that ~150GB on a tape before it asks for another tape…
Andrew Hoole
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8 answers

Can't send to compressed (zipped) folder

I'm IT Technician at a Secondary School and our Network Manager is away on long term leave. Currently our student's aren't able to send to - compressed folder. When trying the error 'File not found or no read permission' appears. It works for…
2 answers

Is there a compression format that supports tail operations?

I'm looking for a compression format that supports being tailed. Meaning you dont have to read the entire file to get the last X uncompressed bytes. Is this possible with any of the formats like bzip2, xz, lzma, etc? I once coded something using…
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5 answers

How do you set bzip2 block size when using tar?

I am using tar to backup a linux server to tape. I am using the -j option to compress the file with bzip2, however I can't see a way to adjust the block size options for bzip2 from tar. The default block size is 900,000 bytes which gives the best…
Guy C
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2 answers

How can I list the content of a zip archive, but only the first level?

I have a big zip file and I want to know what it's contain. I know I can run: zipinfo but the output is too verbose and there are a lot of files in the sub-directories. I want to see a list of the files in the top level. Example If the…
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6 answers

Tips on efficiently storing 25TB+ worth million files in filesystem

Say you are confronted with 25 TB worth uncompressed log files and you have at your disposal an array of 20 commodity boxes with collective free storage capacity of 25 TB. How would you store these ?. a) Which distributed file system to use ? b)…
Ankur Gupta
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4 answers

Why is IIS 7 is ignoring certain (but not all) MIME types for compression? Giving error: DYNAMIC_COMPRESSION_NOT_SUCCESS - Reason 12

So, I'm a bit of an IIS7 n00b but I've used most of the old IIS systems going back to 3. I'm trying to turn on dynamic compression and it's working, mostly. It doesn't work for my ADO.Net Data Service (Astoria) requests, batched or not. I found the…
Peter Oehlert
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9 answers

On a modern system, will using disk compression give me better overall performance?

It seems that CPU increases have outpaced disk speed for a while. Assuming a desktop or laptop with modern dual core Intel/AMD CPU and a single average SATA disk, would doing compression on most all of the disk give better overall performance?…
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6 answers

File size with zfs compression

I usually estimate the size of a whole directory tree using du -ks $DIRECTOY_TREE_ROOT, but this method cannot be used when zfs compression is on. The total displayed by ls -l is ok for a single directory, but which is the simplest way to get the…
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