Questions tagged [chown]

The chown command is used on Unix-like systems to change the owner of a file.

The chown command is used on Unix-like systems to change the owner/group of a file.

147 questions
2 answers

User in group with r/w access does not actually get the read/write anything

I added my user to the www-data group. I chmodded a certain directory to 774 (-R, recursively) so only the owner and the group can change something. Yet my user can't even access it. What am I missing? Here's my ls -alh output: drwxrwxr-- 13…
Jelle De Loecker
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Detect if Solaris has chown restricted

I am trying to chown a file, and I am getting a Not ownermessage bash-3.00$ uname -a SunOS host001 5.10 Generic_138888-03 sun4u sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise bash-3.00$ id uid=60010(user1) gid=910(web) bash-3.00$ ls -l file.ext -rwxrwxrwx 1 user1 …
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bulk swap uidNumber/gidNumber?

We currently have LDAP servers in Dev env. and staging/prod env. Both are not coupled and accounts are created manually. So the uids are same but the uidNumber and gidNumber are different across these two envs. I am trying to upgrade to 389 DS and…
3 answers

What happens when a chown occurs on a file being written to?

Background: I have a cron job which chown's the directories of new users. More often than not, these users are already uploading files to the server before the job occurs. So will files successfully have their ownership changed if they are in the…
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directory owner problem

I have a uploader using applet and jsp,so after it is uploaded the owner is tomcat so it is not accessible by php i mean apache. its throughs error.i changed chown in php and directly in shell access. still i ant access that directory through php.…
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1 answer

Webserver and permissions - two users having rights to modify specific (but not all) files

So,the typical situation is like that: webserver (in this case nginx) works under the www-data user. And then there is also 'konrad' user, which is just an ordinary user. And now, the whole website (/var/www/html/cool-site) has the owner: konrad,…
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Why does Mac say "Operation not permitted" when I chown a file on FreeNAS mounted via AFP?

I am trying to back up the working files on my Macintosh to a NAS server. The server runs FreeNAS software. I mount the server over AFP (Apple Filing Protocol). The server runs Netatalk software which provides AFP. Some of the files I backed up had…
Jim DeLaHunt
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2 answers

Linux bash way for unprivileged user to take ownership of contents of only one particular directory?

I want a particular user to recursively change owner and group of all the contents of a particular directory, and only that directory. The directory is a kind of "inbox", where a service writes files, and subdirectories. Currently, I have an…
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0 answers

vsftpd : permission denied

Running on debian10 My website : /home/ drwxr-xr-x 16 www-data www-data I added a new user with adduser alex Content of /etc/vsftpd.conf nano…
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1 answer

Do I need to reinstall the OS after a mass chown command if only these two folders were 'affected'?

I am using Ubuntu. I ran the following command. But I stopped it after a while because I felt it was taking too long. sudo chown -R $USER:$USER / This made the sudo command to stop working. So I found a solution to bring back sudo to root by using…
1 answer

The random behaviour of ownership change after mounting in Linux

So I do know that by default when we mount; the user/group ownership is set to uid=0=gid when belongs to the root and I read that in the mount man page. The weird thing is I am mounting an NFS share in /oradata which is a directory that I have…
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Browser downloads the file instead of opening php files

So, I'm posting an answer, because after the twice clean-reinstall, I have set things a but differently (to my point of view). Like I said above, I face a dilemma, since none of the config I have is the same as to any other answers I could find. For…
1 answer

chown won't change ownership

I've created a directory as root, but when I try to change ownership if it, it won't change! I have no idea why. (I've snipped the results of ls -halg for brevity, in case you're wondering why some files are…
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1 answer

chmod/chown/mkdir: Operation not permitted as root

I get Operation not permitted for root user on one server but not on the other "identical" server. Running on Amazon Linux 1. Server 1: [root@preprod-1 ]# chown root:root /s3mnt/outliers/ chown: changing ownership of ‘/s3mnt/outliers/’: Operation…
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1 answer

Security-wise file ownership & permission setup for LEMP server to be managed via wp-cli and wordpress dashboard?

I'm on a LEMP VPS with the following setup; cd /home/$USER/public/ # change directory to chown -R nginx:nginx . # change file ownership find . -type d -exec chmod 750 {} \; # change permissions…
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