Questions tagged [chown]

The chown command is used on Unix-like systems to change the owner of a file.

The chown command is used on Unix-like systems to change the owner/group of a file.

147 questions
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Linux permissions in /var/www: What settings can I use for good security practice and still maintain accessibility?

I'm primarily trying to set permissions inside of /var/www . We are using a project format which has the following structure in common for each…
3 answers

Permission denied with chmod 750 even if a user is just added to a group

I have a weird bug, I have: a user A a group B another group C I create a folder and then chown it A:B and chmod it 750. After usermod -aG A C, C should have the right to go to the newly created folder, right? But it does not work all, I get a…
1 answer

SSH: FTP created logs into the wrong directory

Ok here's the deal - im new to SSH and have been googling around trying to figure this out. Objective for me has been to create a FTP user that can login only to: /var/www/ - however what I experience is that the user I create gets…
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CentOs, Folder Permissions

I would like to give an FTP user permission to write in a folder but should not be able to alter other files in the folder or sub folder in the main folder. I have a root account, we are using the web server to run from /home/usera --> the default…
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Default owner and group for new files/folders

Possible Duplicate: How to set up default group permission in linux folder I'm uploading to /var/www via SFTP and wondered how I can get it so when I upload a file or folder it always has the owner and group as www, and have the default chmod as…
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How to revert mass ownership change?

Possible Duplicate: revert chmod 777 / -R I accidentally executed the chown someuser * -R while I was at / on my server. I thought maybe by issuing chown root * -R would somehow fix it. But it seems that there are some problems. For example now…
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Ubuntu - Group users create new files/directory always: -rwxrwxr-x / drwxrwxr-x

I got a directory in which my group is the owner. The group has two users, however, when a user create a directory the other user can't move the files. Why is that and how can I change so that the users within a group can move each other files? Now…
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3 answers

How to auto chown/chgrp files after FTP upload?

I have a new VPS setup with Debian + LEMP stack. Wondering how to automatically chown/chgrp new files uploaded via FTP to /srv/www/siteroot to www-data:www-data? I am under the assumption this can be with a proper umask?
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How do I enable a group of users to edit files in Ubuntu var/www?

I'm hoping someone will be able to direct or help me understand how I can enable multiple users to edit the same files/folders in Ubuntu EC2 server (11.10). I currently use Transmit, the Terminal window, and Wordpress to upload files to the WP…
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Automatically change UID of file

Due to development policies, all my relevant server files have g+w policies. This is working great, but, for added accountability, I'd like the files to change owner UID upon being edited by other users with group permission. Is this possible?
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Undoing change of ownership to var directory

I accidently ran sudo chown -R user:user *.* (on Ubuntu 11.1) inside /var directory.. Even after running sudo chown -R root:root *.* (and rebooting) I keep getting GUI messages that some operations are not allowed (permission errors) and even…
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chown, chmod & bad settings on /home/user/.ssh directory in fresh install of CentOS 6

I just finished installing CentOS 6 last night (netinstall from georgia tech repository), and have been running into some weird SSH issues when I try to SSH from the CentOS box (behind my home network) to one of my public-facing web servers. After…
David W
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CentOS Directory Owner

I have a dedicated CentOS 5.6 Server for our webhost. I've setup FTP account in PLESK to access our website. Once I migrated joomla over I can not change/modify or upload new files via: FTP. I've chmod'ed all necessary directory to 777 and 755 but…
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creating user with limited access

I add a user on Application server using "useradd" command. /usr/sbin/useradd shantanu This user can connect to mysql service using the following command... mysql -h -uroot -proot@123 I want this user to not to be able to connect to…
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Pre/Post deploy script to change file ownership?

We are running CentOS 5.6 on a dedicated server. I am planning on deploying our Magento store changes using BeanstalkApp ( which offers pre and post deploy hooks. My username for the server is (in this example) USER123 but the…
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