I added my user to the www-data group. I chmodded a certain directory to 774 (-R, recursively) so only the owner and the group can change something.

Yet my user can't even access it. What am I missing? Here's my ls -alh output:

drwxrwxr-- 13 www-data www-data 4,0K 2011-03-28 23:10 mydir
Jelle De Loecker
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2 Answers2

  • What does id -a return? You may need to start a new shell or run newgrp, since your existing shells will not automatically get the new group permissions.
  • 774 permissions will probably not do what you want. I suspect you want 775. Without execute permissions, other users will not be able to search the directory.
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All I can think of is that the upper directory doesn't have permissions correctly set.

Jonathan Ross
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