Questions tagged [chown]

The chown command is used on Unix-like systems to change the owner of a file.

The chown command is used on Unix-like systems to change the owner/group of a file.

147 questions
2 answers

Unix Group Permissions

I have created a directory and chown to have permissions master:webmaster and chmod the folder to 775 hence group writeable. So why is it i bert as a member of webmaster cant mv the directory or create a file inside the directory.
1 answer

How to use set-user-ID bit on directories?

I want all files in directory /home/alex/foo to be owned by alex, no matter who creates them. I'm trying this technique, but it doesn't work (on CentOS 5, under root): $ cd /home/alex $ mkdir foo $ chmod u+s foo $ chown alex foo $ ls -al . | grep…
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Used recursive chown on the root directory

Im gonna need some help restoring my ssh settings as i screwed everything up by calling this command: chown -R user / At the moment im not able to access the site through ssh/ftp since the ownership of all the files have been changed. I dont want…
2 answers

Apache security for multi-user development web server

I've been searching and reading through documents all morning and understand that I need to use some combination of chown and probably 'jailing' to securely give programmers access to directories on my centos webserver. Here's the situation: I have…
1 answer

CentOS 5.4 NFS v4 client file permissions differ from original files & NFS Share file contents

Having a strange problem with NFS share and file permissions on the 1 out of the 2 NFS clients, web1 has file permissions issues but web2 is fine. web1 and web2 are load balanced web servers. So questions are: how do I ensure NFS share file…
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How to permit the chown use to a regular user, but only on its home directory?

I'm trying to allow regular user A to execute chown command to a list of user B,C,D having as object any files located into its home directory. In other words, I would try to limit the chown "root power" for some users, in term of users to change…
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how to add a dot recursive in file/folders permissions

example of files with there permissions -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 659 Jan 4 2018 zookeeper-server-initialize -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 649 Jan 4 2018 zookeeper-server-cleanup -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 648 Jan 4 2018 zookeeper-server -rwxr-xr-x.…
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Even root cannot change the ownership of a file in external drive?

Got the below error from qemu: Unable to complete install: 'Cannot access storage file '/run/media/msingh/WDELEMENTS1/test/CentOsRestoreTest.qcow2' (as uid:107, gid:107): Permission denied' So tried to change the ownership as root but it still…
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when should I use “apache:apache” or “nobody:nobody” on my web server files?

Background: I remember at my old place of employment how the web server admin would always make me change the httpd-accessible file upload directories so that they were owned by apache:apache or nobody:nobody. He said this was for security…
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AWS Linux EC2 - How to install suPHP or FastCGI php hander

Seems I'm having permissions issue with AWS Linux EC2. Specifically, I am migrating a Joomla site, and extension and core updates from Joomla Admin won't install because of Apache user/group permission issues. I've done some digging and seems an…
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1 answer

HHVM w/ FastCGI vs. Uploading via WordPress

I successfully installed nginx, HHVM (running with FastCGI) etc. on an Ubuntu 15.10 installation, and HHVM is, in itself, running fine. My /var/www directory is owned by my user and group (e.g. sam:sam), so I can access it via SSH and SFTP and…
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OpenSolaris user permissions and problems

I'm trying to achieve the following in OpenSolaris to setup permissions on the ZFS volumes (shared using CIFS). There are some users who should belong to the sysusers group, they have access to everything and anything in the /tank/storage ZFS…
Leah Calum
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Using chown: Any substantial difference between assigning ownership of the entire directory vs just the files in it?

An example: Say Apache needs to have ownership of all the files in /var/www/html to serve the pages of a website. Is there any danger in making Apache the owner of this directory (and files and sub-directories), rather than just assigning ownership…
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chown / owner group permission confusion on lamp stack

I've got a few problems with permission/owner group setup on my VPS. It's running LAMP (Ubuntu 12.10, apache2, mysql 5.5, PHP 5.5.8). I've setup vsftpd as a forum platform I'm running needs ftp access to install it's own updates/modifications,…
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2 answers

force group assignment in chrooted sftp environment

I've got the following setting: There are several users /home/user1, /home/user2, and so on. Additionally there is a user /home/sftp-all. The folder /home/sftp-all/shared is mounted in every other users /home directory, e.g. /home/user1/shared. All…
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