Questions tagged [centos5]

CentOS 5 is an obsolete, free (as in beer and speech) GNU/Linux distribution that is community driven and based on source code released from RHEL.

CentOS 5 is a free (as in beer and speech) GNU/Linux distribution that is community driven and based on source code released from RHEL. It went end-of-life on 2017-03-31, is now unsupported, and shouldn't be used on production systems.

805 questions
2 answers

Too many Bind query (cache) denied, DNS attack?

Once Bind crashed and I did: tail -f /var/log/messages I see a massive number of logs every second. Is this a DNS attack? or is there something wrong? Sometimes I see a domain in logs like this: (upper and lower). As you see there is…
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3 answers

Clear / Flush cached memory

I have a small VPS with 6GB RAM hosting a couple of websites. Recently I have noticed that my cached memory size is quite high - see below: Cpu(s): 0.1%us, 0.1%sy, 0.0%ni, 99.1%id, 0.0%wa, 0.2%hi, 0.4%si, 0.0%st Mem: 6113256k…
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2 answers

How to upgrade to latest PHP, MySQL, and phpmyadmin on CentOS 5.8 (32bit)?

I have searched around on the internet and cannot find a reliable source for installing the latest versions of PHP, MySQL, and phpmyadmin on CentOS 5.8 32bit with apache. I have tried a couple times, with no luck. Each time corrupted my server. I'm…
Michael Ecklund
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3 answers

Rsync Throttle Upload Bandwidth --bwlimit=KBPS

I am looking to throttle the upload speed of my file transfers during an rsync process. Does --bwlimit=KBPS mean it sets the internet transfer speed, or the hard drive disk write speed? --bwlimit=KBPS limit I/O bandwidth; KBytes per…
Michael Ecklund
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2 answers

apache/httpd responds slower under EL6.1 than EL5.6 (CentOS)

I've read through other threads on performance differences between RHEL 6 and RHEL 5, but none seem a tight match to mine. My issue manifests itself in slightly slower average response time (20ms) per request. I have about 10/10 servers of the same…
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2 answers

Managing consistent mounting of external USB hard drives in Linux (CentOS 5)

I have configured a server with CentOS 5.2 and am now working out a backup strategy. I plan on using Amanda as the backup application. Additionally, I am leaning towards using some USB hard drives for backup storage. I will be swapping out one of…
Loren Charnley
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3 answers

CentOS6 installation from CentOS5 box?

I am trying to build a new CentOS 6 VM from my CentOS 5 host, but it appears that something fundamental has changed between these versions: $ rpm -ivh --nodeps --nodigest --ignorearch --ignoreos --force --root=/mnt…
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2 answers

CentOS 5.6 Update Version Of Tar

I am running CentOS 5.6 and for some ungodly reason, the version of tar is from 2004, and not compatible with the node package manager (NPM). How in the world can I update it? Is there an additional yum repository I can add, so I can simply execute…
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2 answers

How to auto-start MongoDB on CentOS reboot?

How do I setup MongoDB so that it will start back up automatically after a server reboot? This is on CentOS 5.5. I start it with the following command, but if the server reboots, I have to login to SSH and run that again to get it going (not that…
James Simpson
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2 answers

static web server: 32 or 64 bits?

For a webserver serving just static files (lighttpd or nginx) which is better, 32 or 64 bits? Which OS is preferable? Centos 5 or Ubuntu 10.04?
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5 answers

nagios Missing Dependency: perl(Net::SNMP)

I have an odd problem. I'm trying to install nagios NRPE but it keeps failing with nagios-plugins-1.4.15-2.el5.rf.i386 from rpmforge has depsolving problems --> Missing Dependency: perl(Net::SNMP) is needed by package…
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1 answer

HOw to check firewall rules in Centos

I have centos 5. I tried iptables -L and it gives the following output Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination RH-Firewall-1-INPUT all -- anywhere anywhere Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) target…
3 answers

Why is my MPIO connection to the SAN capped at 1 Gbps when using Linux?

I'm connecting a RHEL5 box to a Dell EqualLogic PS5000X and seeing a maximum of 1 Gbps even while using MPIO with three gigabit NICs. I have all three interfaces on the PS5000X and three dedicated iSCSI interfaces on the server connected to the same…
3 answers

How can I adapt this debian init.d script to work with CentOS 5?

I'm trying to get an lsyncd daemon running. I installed the lsyncd RPM from epel, but it doesn't seem to come with an init.d script. In the lsyncd repository, there's this script that works with Debian. However, when I try to run this under…
Jason Baker
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1 answer

Linux LVM: move free space from a volume group to another

I've just read "How can you re-allocate space from one Volume Group to another Volume Group in Linux?" How can you re-allocate space from one Volume Group to another Volume Group in Linux? But I'm still confused. I have inherited the managemnt of a…
Guido Brasletti
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