Questions tagged [centos5]

CentOS 5 is an obsolete, free (as in beer and speech) GNU/Linux distribution that is community driven and based on source code released from RHEL.

CentOS 5 is a free (as in beer and speech) GNU/Linux distribution that is community driven and based on source code released from RHEL. It went end-of-life on 2017-03-31, is now unsupported, and shouldn't be used on production systems.

805 questions
1 answer

Iptables With CPanel/WHM Blocking Traffic

I have script for an iptables configuration that seems to be loading successfully. However, I then cannot access my website on port 80 or CPanel and WHM on ports 2087 and 2083 (previously possible). I would appreciate help in debugging the issue…
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Server: firewall setting

we just got a new server: CentOS 5, (linux) on 64 bit. How do we see and change the firewall setting? - especially unblock PORT=8888 and PORT=9999 (for two java applets). p.s. we've tried iptable - but without success. Thanks!
1 answer

High system CPU usage in Centos with cPanel/WHM

After installing and configuring WHM/cPanel on Centos 5.7, it seems that often when I try to access WHM, cPanel, or one of the 3 websites sitting on the server, everything freezes (WHM, cPanel and all the websites), and I notice the system CPU…
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is it possible to host a website on many vps?

I've done it before with my friend, I hosted a radio for a website on another vps that he owns. well but here is a different problem. that one was easy since all we did is created a separate page and the radio streamed on that page. I have bought 2…
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3 answers

How to resolve a failed Plesk update?

I have a dedicated server running CentOS 5.3. I'm trying to update Plesk 9.5.2 to version 10.0.0 but update fails. I do it with yum: yum update psa* --skip-broken -t but it fails and I get the errors at the end: Skip-broken could not solve…
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Unable to decompress a .gz file on centos. gunzip: filename.tar.gz: not in gzip format

I am trying to install the latest apache ant to centos. I did as follows: wget gzip -d apache-ant-1.8.2-bin.tar.gz and I get the error as follows: gunzip:…
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Server Status Accessiblility

I'm using Centos 5. Where can I upload an index.php server status file on the server to make it www accessible via http://serverIP/index.php method?
3 answers

What options do I have if my linux box is compromised?

Possible Duplicate: My server's been hacked EMERGENCY I have put all security meaures and log monitoring tools. Now but i don't know what to do if find out the there is some rootkit on my system. If i have live sites running on my system and i…
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How to install Ganglia on CentOS 5.4 64 bit?

In my case it's running on EC2 Compute Cluster HVM instance, so it should use TCP instead of UDP.
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slow apache access on virtualbox 4.2

I am using virtualbox 4.2 with guest addition for sharing folders between my host windows 7 64 bit and guest centos 5. I am running apache on my guest centos which access shared folders. We are planning to use this set up for our developers…
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Adding and Removing MySQL Databases via CentOS 6 - 64 bit

I have a VPS, and am having troubles with MySQL. I think I have created a database, but got lost. I need to know how to: Add a database, with the username, name of the database, and password. Remove a database.
1 answer

My websites can't be reached

I managing a VPS that has some domains running on it. I made a minor changes to the server through plesk control panel like some changes to the IP address of the server. Now i am only the person how can reach any website hosted on that server. the…
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Linux Server HDD Corrupted

Today I put my forum offline just before scheduled Cpanel backup. An hour later when I checked it says DATABASE error occured(or whatever the database error was) I logged into SSH and perform reboot. The server will not reboot sucessfully. I…
Hassan Z
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High Cpu Usage after MySQL Update (5.1 to 5.5) on CentOS 5.8 (64 Bit)

General Problem: Server load 20.92 (8 CPUs) [it varies from 7 to 40, normally it should be less than 1) Server Specs: Dedicated Server Intel Core i7 (8 Cpus) RAM: 8GB We use WHM and we have about 25 databases (8 are wordpress) most of which are…
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awstats mail log analyser

i have configured mail log analyser(awstats) on my mail server,but i am not getting reports of users who send or receive mail from my mail server,i want a cron job to automaticaly update the mail logs when a user send or receive mail,what can i do…
achal tomar
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