Questions tagged [centos5]

CentOS 5 is an obsolete, free (as in beer and speech) GNU/Linux distribution that is community driven and based on source code released from RHEL.

CentOS 5 is a free (as in beer and speech) GNU/Linux distribution that is community driven and based on source code released from RHEL. It went end-of-life on 2017-03-31, is now unsupported, and shouldn't be used on production systems.

805 questions
3 answers

Can not switch drbd to secondary

I'm running drbd83 with ocfs2 in centos 5 and planning to use packemaker with them. Afer some time, I'm facing drbd split brain problem. version: 8.3.13 (api:88/proto:86-96) GIT-hash: 83ca112086600faacab2f157bc5a9324f7bd7f77 build by…
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7 answers

How to clean up mysql installation on centos

mysql does not exist anymore but when i run yum remove mysql it says that the package is available but not marked for installation, i cannot install new mysql because of that, I need to completely delete everything related to it before installing…
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3 answers

Bind zone transfer refused

UPDATE: BIND Version: [root@] $ named -v BIND 9.3.6-P1-RedHat-9.3.6-16.P1.el5 Operating System: CentOS release 5.6 (Final) After running [root@] $ dig @ axfr: Slave: ; <<>> DiG…
Sarah Ryan
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2 answers

Are MySQL databases always stored in /var on CentOS?

Are MySQL databases always stored in /var on CentOS? Specifically - If a new CentOS/cPanel server that needs to support MySQL, doesn't have that partition, but only has these, does that mean MySQL data is somehow being stored in a temporary dump…
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2 answers

Determine which guest is running on XEN: HVM or PV guest

I'm working with a Xen host which is installed XenServer from Citrix by someone. He already installed a lot of CentOS 5.2 guests on the host. I wonder how to check those guests to know they are PV types or HVM types?
Ha Son Hai
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6 answers

How delete the content of a directory in Centos

I need to delete all the content of a folder in CentOS but not the folder itself. For example: I have a folder named "MYFOLDER" which contains subfolders FOLD_1, FOLD_2, FOLD_3, FOLD_4... etc , and some files. I need to delete all these folders and…
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7 answers

Wget, Curl, Yum Fail but Ping works - CentOS 5

We currently have three webservers. Servers one and two behave, but I'm having real problems with the third. wget, curl and yum all fail to make their connections - that is, they all hang after resolving the host and attempting a connection. Example…
Michael Robinson
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2 answers

sendmail rejecting some connections with handshake failure: SSL alert number 40

My sendmail server on CentOS 5 started to reject some connections with the following message logged: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure:s3_pkt.c:1092:SSL alert number 40 When I try to connect to it using…
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3 answers

Is it possible to extract last month's values from a MySQL server and build a new database from those values?

I have an assignment to build a development virtual machine template. I need to add to the server MySQL databases from each one my company's products so that new developers will have the ability to develop for each one of the products. Most…
Itai Ganot
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1 answer

Block outgoing connections for certaing uids (root, apache, nobody)

With iptables in CentOS 5 and 6 Linux - how can you please prevent processes running as root, apache or nobody from initiating outgoing connections? On CentOS 5 Linux I've tried putting these lines into /etc/sysconfig/iptables: -A OUTPUT -m owner…
Alexander Farber
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3 answers

How to remove packages that are no longer needed on CentOS 5?

While installing package I get some additional packages on dependency. But when I remove installed package with yum, the dependency packages are not removed, though I don't need them anymore. How can I remove them automatically?
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2 answers

FreeRADIUS 2 should use a different Python than default

We've got a FreeRADIUS 2 deamon installed on a CentOS 5.7 server. We'd like to use a pre-written Python module to do authorization but there's a problem: The Python module we've got requires Python 2.6 or more but the Python that comes installed…
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1 answer

Create swap file on a running Linux machine

Our company web sites have just been moved from a shared host to a VDS, as the hosting company plans on retiring the less than completely reliable shared hosting server(s). The VDS only has 256MB of RAM and hosts a few sites, all but one of which…
John Gardeniers
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2 answers

rpm spec: conditional require based of distro version

I'm trying to write a single rpm spec for RHEL/CentOS/SL 5 and 6. This spec is for python app, so there is no differences in build process. But on RHEL/CentOS5 I need to add one additional dependency. How would I define dependency only for el5? I've…
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1 answer

How can I confirm if my vmxnet driver is installed on my CentOS server?

I have an appliance running CentOS 5.x on VMWare ESX. Quite recently I upgraded it to a newer version of CentOS (still in 5.x) and I noticed that the network card wouldn't initialize. If I run service network restart I get an error: [root@foobox]…
Mike B
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