Questions tagged [bottleneck]

A bottleneck is the place where transmission is the slowest.

A bottleneck can best be described as the slowest working component in a machine. Suggest you have a computer with 100 super fast CPUs, a bit of memory and an old IDE drive. When we start a process that needs to do parse something from a giant file, our bottleneck will be the I/O. Our CPUs will be able to handle the parsing, but not all of them will be used on max capacity because the I/O will not be able to provide the file fast enough.

This is called a bottleneck. The analogy comes from whenever you try to empty a bottle. There is only so much liquid that can get through the bottle opening (bottleneck).

57 questions
1 answer

May a low DRAM router be a bottleneck for a LAN?

I need to install a LAN that is a hybrid between a star LAN and a cascade LAN. There are two levels (I mean that the maximum number of link to go from the central switch to the most external switch is 2 cables), and the "central" switch (connected…
Ramy Al Zuhouri
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Solaris/UNIX: Does snoop have the potential to slow down network traffic?

This is the way I see it. A copy of the network activity is written to a buffer, and snoop reads from the buffer. As long as snoop is able to get the data out fast enough (writing directly to a file is faster than writing to a terminal or a bziper),…
700 Software
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2 answers

What iowait values are ok?

I am trying to find the bottleneck of a server running a fairly busy php/mysql site. My first culprit was io but iostat shows that on average iowait consumes only %3.60 of cpu time. here is the complete result of issuing iostat: avg-cpu: %user …
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2 answers

web app reaching emailing limits - what is the next step up?

Recently i have been working on a popular web app that currently has around 70k members and a lot of traffic, i migrated the site to a new extra large EC2 instance and it seems to be a massive improvement, the site is a lot faster now and all images…
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2 answers

How to tell whats making this server slow

Hello I have an HP server configured for RAID 1+0 using 2 SATA disks. I'm pretty new to handling servers also. The server has had the same OS(Windows Server 2003) on it for a while so I'm not sure of what all it has been through. It has a dual…
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0 answers

Good Perfmon Counters for Initial Troubleshooting

I increasingly deal with users who complain there "computer is slow" or that "it takes forever to load" on the laptops we provide (fairly standard build of Windows 7 32-bit with Office 2010 and a few other enterprise apps for calendaring and such). …
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1 answer

Server freeze (Disk I/O possibly)

I have a Windows Server 2008 machine that is resyncing disks after a powerloss. The issue is that the system becomes unresponsive after about 10 minutes. We've checked with resource monitor and found that the CPU's aren't maxed; but the disk I/O is…
1 answer

Mysql hangs up the server. How to avoid this?

Sometimes my website 'goes down' due to Mysql consuming all the resources, but I think it does not stop creating more httpd processes. Is that possible? If I restart apache, these processes disappear and I can see the CPU consumption by the mysql…
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1 answer

Diagnosing the slow performance of my NAS?

I recently built a NAS box on top of ubuntu server. I have an average transfer of about 10mb/sec over gigabit wire to my computer. I was hoping you guys could give recommendations on how to pinpoint where the bottleneck is in this system. To my…
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2 answers

Should I use nginx exclusively, or have it as a proxy to Tomcat (performance related)?

I've planned to create a website that'll be pretty heavy on dynamic content, and want to know what would be the wisest choice for part of my webstack. Right now I'm trying to decide whether I should develop upon nginx, using PHP to deliver the…
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3 answers

Identifying the bottleneck

So I've got nginx and php-fpm on a cloud server. Using apache benchmark with these settings: ab -n 300 -c 5 So the cloud server (from rackspace) was a 256mb one. I ran htop while apache benchmark was going so I could see the…
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1 answer

How to Build a High Performance Network Traffic Recorder With no Bottlenecks (20Gbps)

I need to build a server which is capable of capturing 20 Gigabit/second network traffic (2 x 10g network adapters - 99% utilization) and store them on a disk with zero packet-lose. The requirements is supply the ability to record 20-30 minutes of…
Tzury Bar Yochay
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2 answers

Hypervisor load on local disks

What is the I/O load on the local disk system for the host OS in XenServer? I can't find this info anywhere. As we have a SAN for the VMs themselves, can we get away with cheap controller / SATA disk in RAID-1 for the hypervisor? We won't boot from…
3 answers

Very slow harddisk performance

Today I was trying to execute a long-running (but highly optimized) query on a server in our company. I've run the same query on the same data on my home computer (5400rpm harddisk) and it took about 40min. The server is about 10 times slower, maybe…
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1 answer

Bandwidth bottleneck on VMWare ESX Virtual Machine

I have 2 loadbalanced apache virtual servers that handle a couple thousand requests per minute, and I am trying to diagnose the bottleneck that is slowing them down. My webservers each have one virtual NIC in them, and their VMWare hosts have 7…
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