Questions tagged [snoop]

Snoop is a command-line utility found on most UNIX systems. It is used for taking down a copy of all or some of the data coming in or out of some or all of the network interfaces on the machine in question.

Snoop is a command-line utility found on most UNIX systems. It is used for taking down a copy of all or some of the data coming in or out of some or all of the network interfaces on the machine in question.

snoop man page

13 questions
6 answers

Viewing the loopback interface on Solaris 10 (using snoop or another tool)

I am trying to use snoop on solaris 10 to detect traffic between a client and server both located on my machine. Question: I just want to verify that I should use the loopback interface for this. So now for the real question. I have found a few…
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2 answers

Why does telnet send a RSET when I control-c while connecting?

Solaris 10 using snoop to capture packets. When I telnet to an unused IP address, and wait for the connection attempt to time out, everything behaves as expected (SYNs sent several times until connection establishment time out exceeded, then telnet…
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1 answer

Solaris/UNIX: Does snoop have the potential to slow down network traffic?

This is the way I see it. A copy of the network activity is written to a buffer, and snoop reads from the buffer. As long as snoop is able to get the data out fast enough (writing directly to a file is faster than writing to a terminal or a bziper),…
700 Software
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4 answers

Unix Snoop Command

Doing testing on a server right now. Both the client and server are on my machine. I am trying to snoop the packets between them but am not having any luck. These are some variations I have tried: sudo snoop host myHost and port 443 or port…
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2 answers

How to capture SNMP request and response using snoop

Using the following command I can capture SNMP requests to my server, is there a way I can also capture the response my SNMP agent sends? snoop -o snmp.cap udp port 161 Thanks for any thoughts
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Solaris VM Experiencing Frequent Timeouts

We are having an issue with all of our Solaris VMs. The issue we're seeing is frequent timeouts when when connecting via SSH or HTTP. It only seems to affect initial connections... when I connect via SSH it will hang and timeout before I even get…
Derek Ivey
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2 answers

Snoop output: how to display readable packet data on one single line?

I'm getting the same data (UDP packets) from two different sources (on 2 different NICs). I'd like to figure out if one source is "faster" than the other, by comparing the reception timestamps packet by packet. to do so, I plan to snoop both…
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1 answer

How do I see LDAP traffic in snoop on Solaris?

When I use snoop to record/view traffic on my Solaris 10 server it automatically shows/decodes LDAP traffic for me if I specify port 389 But I also need to snoop on port 3268 (which is also LDAP traffic - to AD's "Global Catalog") but when I view…
0 answers

snoop: cannot open "vnet0": Permission denied

Getting the error when tried to take a capture on a solaris machine. I have tried to run the snoop command $ /usr/sbin/snoop -o file.pcap snoop: cannot open "vnet0": Permission denied $ uname -a SunOS sdp-2 5.10 Generic_150400-12 sun4v sparc…
2 answers

Solaris snoop on SSL headers

Is there a way to snoop (on Solaris) SSL headers ( I don't actually need to capture SSL data ) so that I can ensure SSL is not blocked by any firewalls before entering my server.
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3 answers

Log an Application's Network Activity with Process Monitor and/or Fiddler or something else

I've got a bit of a tricky application I need to monitor. Its a Java .jnlp file. Using Process Monitor, I've been able to identify it (its instance of javaw) going out to the other servers in my network; however, running Fiddler, it shows no…
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1 answer

sun snoop and multi file output

Is there any way snoop can cut output files every "x" minutes or every "y" Mbyts? thanks
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1 answer

What security weekness(es) does my vino VNC server have?

I installed vino VNC server on Lubuntu 18.04, and configured and started my vino server according to $ export DISPLAY=:0 $ gsettings set org.gnome.Vino enabled true # although fails, it doesn't matter No such…
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