Questions tagged [bitnami]

106 questions
2 answers

Let's Encrypt with Bitnami, with some odd port numbers

I recently (and I think it was on either ServerFault, StackOverflow, or some other StackExchange forum) found out that Bitnami stacks provide a tool for using Let's Encrypt, one that apparently uses something other than certbot (something called…
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1 answer

Setting up S3 to host 'wp-content' folder

If this is not the right SE to post the question, please kindly direct me to the right one. I've seen configuration of setting up S3 to host wp-content folder, what are the advantages of doing so? and possibly what are the disadvantages?
1 answer

Redirect IP address to domain name on apache

I am pretty computer savvy, but not with setting up web servers. I have a domain name that has an SSL certificate, so that works and redirects there. BUT, http://[the bare IP address] returns an insecure http…
D Strozzi
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Server Become extremely slow after a few mintues of restart , CPU , Memory is okay

I am using Amazon LightSail with 2CPU, 8G of Ram and 160G of HDD. CPU load is not more than 20% and Memory is less than 50% , websites both Drupal and Wordpress are very fast at service restart or server reboot but suddenly very slow after a few…
Wayne Tun
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1 answer

Creating RabbitMQ cluster (by Bitnami) and Kafka cluster (by Bitnami) in Azure and connecting to them from Kubernetes in another v-net

I'm trying to create an architecture with: 1. Kafka cluster (by Bitnami) 2. Rabbitmq cluster (by Bitnami) 3. Kubernetes cluster (AKS) that can use both Kafka and RMQ When I created both clusters (Kafka and RMQ) in Azure, I was asked to create a…
1 answer

Non-Wordpress domain on Bitnami WordPress multi-site

I've been fighting this issue for quite some time and perhaps don't have a good enough understand of Apache. I have a Bitnami Wordpress Multi-site installation running on AWS lightsail. I have 3 WP domains working fine. I also have a 4th domain that…
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0 answers

mongo: /data/db not found on AWS ec2 t2.micro after launching an AMI image of the instance

S.O.S!! I had my t2.micro with Bitnami Parse image running for a good while. everything was fun and games until I needed to upgrade to t2.medium. In order to do so I cloned my server to an AMI image. Then I launched my brand new t2.medium from my…
0 answers

Site is down and cant connect through SSH

I use Wordpress Bitnami solution for hosting WP sites. There were two accidents that happened only on two sites yet but it was repeating itself. Now one of them is okey, never happened once. The problem is that while connecting to site saying that…
0 answers

wordpress website showing http error 500

I have a Woocommerce (Wordpress) website hosted on Google Cloud. Suddenly the website started showing "504 Gateway Timeout Error". I rebooted the VM Instance from Google Cloud (GC) Console, Suddenly GC Console starting showing permission error. GC…
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3 answers

PHP is stopping a web-based script after 60 seconds

I'm working in a Bitnami installation of Apache2 and PHP (5.6) and we have trouble with a script that's taking longer than 60 seconds to complete. This script in question is failing after 60 seconds, sending a 504 error. I already checked all other…
Gabriel I.
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0 answers

Invalid Certificate Bitnami EC2

i have just bumped into SSL thing without any prior knowledge. I am working on bitnami AWS EC2 instance. Yesterday i mistakenly deleted all the files on the home. So i lost my SSH access to instance. I created image from this instance and launched a…
2 answers

Apache HTTPS / non-WWW redirect

I'm wanting to re-direct all my web traffic to So-far I've got everything except re-directing fine This is what my Virtual Host Config file looks like DocumentRoot…
1 answer

Configuring Lightsail bitnami vsftpd passive

I've spent a really long time on this and I had it working last night. Came to work this morning and it has stopped working (I am the only IT support and no changes were made by me). I have configured my firewall on aws as in the below…
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1 answer

How to copy mongo db from mongodb 3.0 to mongodb 3.6 on ec2 bitnami image

As the title implies, I need to copy db from ec2 instance with bitnami image that has mongodb pre-installed with version 3.0.9 , to new bitnami ec2 instance that has mongodb version 3.6.8 pre-installed. I first used: db.copyDatabase("my_db",…
Hudi Ilfeld
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2 answers

How to configure Django application at http://SERVER-IP/ instead of http://SERVER-IP/Project using bitnami aws?

I want to serve Django application at http://SERVER-IP/ OR a domain ( instead of http://SERVER-IP/Project ( using BITNAMI Django Stack(v4.2). I followed the documentation here for creating new application…
Asif Raza
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