Questions tagged [benchmark]

Benchmarking is the process of gathering data about the performance of a system in different scenarios to measure the impact of changes to the system, to compare the system with other options, or to determine maximum capacity.

Benchmarking is the process of gathering data about the performance of a system in different scenarios to measure the impact of changes to the system, to compare the system with other options, or to determine maximum capacity.

Benchmarking is a multidisciplinary process and can require management, engineering, operations, data science. and user experience expertise.

A key concern when benchmarking is making sure the tests performed are analogous to how to system is actually used. When benchmarking a server, the following metrics may be considered (in addition to countless others):

  • Ping response time
  • Average Load
  • Number of Dropped Requests
  • Number of Concurrent Connections Possible
  • Power Consumption
271 questions
2 answers

Quick Way to Evaluate Linux Server Load To Determine if Upgrade is Needed?

I've got mission critical apps running on my VDS. We're not experiencing any visible lag issues from the user perspective. However I want to be cognizant about when it's time to upgrade. The network load is low and I don't believe there are any disk…
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2 answers

vmware vs normal server

what is a good benchmark for me to run on my old server and my new vmware server? I want to verify that I have not lost any performance between the two
0 answers

Web server benchmark - explanation of results?

I made a small benchmark, in which I compare Apache HTTP server deployed to the Virtualbox, and Apache HTTP in Docker (official Alpine and Debian based images) deployed to the Virtualbox. The results of average requests per second are in the…
Petr Filip
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Low network speed with small packets

Using iperf3 to test the network with --length 1000 --no-delay: iperf3 --interval 1 --time 3 --no-delay --length 1000 --parallel 100 --client Result: [SUM] 0.00-3.00 sec 835 MBytes 2.33 Gbits/sec 13 sender [SUM] …
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1 answer

Strange IOPS performance on AWS R3.large & R4.large instances

I have used 4 10GB GP2 EBS volumes with RAID0 on Windows Server 2012R2 image as explained here: The instance type I used was R3.large I was expecting to see 4*3000 (12K IOPS)…
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1 answer

How to calculate /get the UBER value from S.M.A.R.T measurements in SSDs

UBER is a metric for the rate of occurrence of data errors, equal to the number of data errors per bits read over the entire lifetime of an SSD. Mathematically: The numerator is the total count of data errors detected over the full TBW rating. How…
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1 answer

Using Apache Bench with different post data per request

I'm looking to use ab to obtain some performance metrics on my site. I'm looking to send POST requests to my desired URL, however I'd like to change the values for the POST params for each request. Is it possible to do this?
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1 answer

How to find what's causing Apache/httpd to run at such high memory usage

I'm having one site that when hit with a spider just goes off the handles. Normally everything seems fine. We have a nagios montior to report back when CPU is over 80%. When we get the warnings, I begin watching logs via sudo tail -f access_log.…
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0 answers

Benchmarking websites via a browser to check loading times of a server?

I'm looking for a benchmarking tool to help find out the loading times of a website, I what to be able to run it like 250 times automatically to work out if a series of changes improves things or not. I tried to use the tool…
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0 answers

Benchgraph httpref - cannot execute binary file

I am trying to make graph of an httperf file with benchgraph ( When I run the command: benchgraph --ff txt --fn httperf --exporter httperf I get bash: /usr/local/sbin/benchgraph: cannot execute binary…
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1 answer

Why is Apache 2.4.7 in ab tests just as fast as NginX 1.4.6?

Im very confused right now... I've always used Nginx to serve up static files and pass off php to Apache. I built a new box 4GB Ram, installed Apache 2.4.7 with mpm_prefork module and NginX 1.4.6. I setup what I needed to and decided to run some…
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3 answers

How to benchmark openvpn server

Ive successfully setup a tunnel between my home ubuntu desktop(Japan) and my remote server(UK) using openvpn. Ive set it so that i can have the server fetch pages for me hiding my desktop ip to bypass geo restrictions (tv, radio etc) whilst im…
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1 answer

Influence of kernel code execution to Load average in top?

I'm trying to tests the amount of CPU that iptables use for NAT. Perhaps it will be more accurate to say "the amount of CPU that the netfilter kernel module" uses. The approach i took was to try and strip the system of all userspace processes, run…
1 answer

Strange Disk Benchmarking results for our storage, how to explain?

I recently tested the storage we got from our hosting provider. I don't know what raid config or how many disks the storage contains of. I used Atto Disk Benchmark which sends smaller and bigger files, please see the attached image. I was expecting…
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1 answer

What is the real-world speed (stream, latency) of USB3 and USB2 over SATA?

What is the real-world speed (stream, latency) of USB3 and USB2 over SATA? It is easy to find streaming speed comparisons, but more difficult to find latency comparisons in the same setup. Answer to follow in a momemt.
ivo Welch
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