Questions tagged [benchmark]

Benchmarking is the process of gathering data about the performance of a system in different scenarios to measure the impact of changes to the system, to compare the system with other options, or to determine maximum capacity.

Benchmarking is the process of gathering data about the performance of a system in different scenarios to measure the impact of changes to the system, to compare the system with other options, or to determine maximum capacity.

Benchmarking is a multidisciplinary process and can require management, engineering, operations, data science. and user experience expertise.

A key concern when benchmarking is making sure the tests performed are analogous to how to system is actually used. When benchmarking a server, the following metrics may be considered (in addition to countless others):

  • Ping response time
  • Average Load
  • Number of Dropped Requests
  • Number of Concurrent Connections Possible
  • Power Consumption
271 questions
3 answers

What benchmark tool to use to benchmark hardware for VM server?

We are setting up a new piece of hardware to virtualize several of our servers on. Choices are RAID 5, RAID 6, and RAID 0+1. We are wanting to benchmark all three before we go live with the machine, but I'm not sure how to test the speed. Since we…
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What's a good free open source hard drive benchmark?

After a quick search on Freshmeat I found nothing. Anybody know of a good utility? I normally use time (dd if=/dev/zero of=newfile ...) to test write speed and hdparm -t to test read speed. Thanks.
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2 answers

Testing SSL performance on Nginx

I'm running nginx 1.0.0 on CentOS 6 x86_64 with stock OpenSSL. Below are results of openssl benchmarking. sh# openssl speed aes-256-cbc OpenSSL 1.0.0-fips 29 Mar 2010 built on: Sat Jun 25 04:58:15 BST 2011 options:bn(64,64) md2(int) rc4(1x,char)…
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2 answers

Transfer between internal disks slows down for large files

I'm running a Ubuntu Server 11.04 (amd64) on a machine with 1.6Ghz dual-core CPU, 4GB RAM, and 2x250GB 7200 SATA drives (both 3.0Gb/s and newly formatted from a fresh install). When I transfer relatively small files (~100MB) between the two drives,…
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1 answer

Understanding PassMark CPU benchmark results

I'd like to know how the CPU benchmark results for CPUs posted at, for example,, compare. Is the scale linear, so that a CPU with a score of 2,000 is, on average, twice as fast as one with a score of…
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3 answers

Best way to benchmark linux virtualization solutions

I'd like to run some benchmarks on linux virtualization solutions (namely Xen, KVM and OpenVZ) and I'm currently thinking about how to set up the test environment. My current approach would be the following: Set up a bare server system Install all…
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0 answers

ejabberd benchmarks and performance

I'm considering to use XMPP for messaging platform (not a chat, I'd rather use it as a transport protocol) for communicating one to one, one to many between custom clients and I think I will extensively use channels. Can someone share some…
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1 answer

How do I interpret ByteMARK / nbench results?

As part of a server burn-in process, I am running nbench (BYTEmark). The results show two FLOATING-POINT Indexes and two INTEGER Indexes in the results, one under "Original Bytemark" and the other under "Linux data below". Which is the "real"…
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Benchmarking MS SQL Server 2008

We have several production SQL servers, some physical, some virtual. I would really like some generic scripts that I could run against each maybe using AdventureWorks to stress test them and compare the performance. Does anyone know of anything…
Joel Mansford
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0 answers

Performance comparison between LDAP servers

Has anyone ever compared different LDAP servers? I am currently planning to upgrade ADAM to another server, and I'd like to know how do they perform. Currently the options that I am researching are: Active Directory (LDS) OpenLDAP Red Hat Directory…
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1 answer

Apache Bench -- How to read AB data? My small, cloned dev server outperforms my production server. How do I rule out server hardware as an issue?

I'm getting very confused how to read Apache Bench data. Apache Benching my local machine gives me wildly different numbers between my dev linode and my production linode. My dev server is a 512mb linode freshly cloned from my 2gb linode, which…
Yuji Tomita
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2 answers

Benchmarking hard disks on Mac OS X SL

On Linux I would usually use "hdparm -tT device" when I want a quick idea of how an hard drive is performing compared to another; having switched to Mac OS X a few months back I have yet to find something similar and as easy to use. I have read that…
Vito Botta
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1 answer

How to use the SPEC benchmark (for dummies)

I just had a quick look so far at the documentation of the SPEC2006 benchmark. However, until now I was not able to find some information how I can nicely present the performance measurements I got from the benchmark. So I am wondering if some of…
2 answers

Server Performance Comparison

We recently moved our users Home folders and shared drives onto a Novell OES server from a Novell Netware 6.5 server. All the folders are stored on a LeftHand SAN attached to the server through an iSCSI connection. In certain labs in one of our…
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1 answer

how to benchmark dbms (sql and nosql) on s390x architecture (IBM mainframes basically)

I have access to an s390x machine, a zbc12 to be precise, with 32GB of RAM, which I can use as a lab for a few months(!). I wanted to explore this architecture capabilities, especially relating to dbms, and I'd like to test both sql and nosql.…
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