Questions tagged [backup-restoration]

344 questions
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Network Restore of OS to Non-System Drive - is it possible?

I've got an intriguing goal with an equally intriguing problem to overcome: how to restore an OS to a set of blank disks attached to a running computer. This computer is running the very OS I want to restore to the blank disks, and I when the…
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pfsense xml restore on dissimilar hardware

pfsense has it's built in backup and restore function. it stores backup in xml files. they are located in /cf/config directory. backup can be done in many was from web interface or from directories. I want to ask if anyone has restored xml backup on…
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Restoring a bare-metal backup fails (0x80070057 error) on Hyper-V

I'm trying to create a backup of our one of our domain controllers in case of a catastrophic failure, and I'm looking into ways to make one effectively. So far, I'm been very unsuccessful in getting any of the recovery methods to actually WORK,…
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What is the right way to test website's backup?

I have a wiki based on dokuwiki. I made a backup of it by archiving all files. I can automate testing it extracting files and manually see that website works. But what is the right way to check that all backup is correct? I thought it should be like…
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How to perform a safe upgrade of Windows Server 2008 R2 (production) to Server 2012 R2?

I am new to server administration. I need to upgrade the windows server 2008 R2 to 2012 R2. Since windows server 2008 is a production server, I am afraid to do the in-place upgrade. Basically I need the new server (server 2012 R2) to be the…
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Upgrading from Ubuntu 16.04 LTS to 18.04 LTS - provisioning to restore to pre-upgrade state

We have an ubuntu 16.04 LTS server that we wish to upgrade to 18.04. However if something goes wrong, we don't want to be doing a re-install of 16.04, instead we would like to be able to take a backup that can be used to restore to the original…
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Identify Mystery Backup File - Possibly cPanel?

A client contacted interested in getting his website back up and running after taking it down ~4 years ago and wanted to know if I still had a backup anywhere. Being a digital pack rat, I did! But I don't know what the backup was made with. The…
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Restored Gitlab to Local Server, it now always redirects to original server

I restored a gitlab backup to my local computer just to see if i could make it work with another ldap server. Installed the same gitlab omnibus version to my machine, changed external url in gitlab.rb and restored the backup. Everything went…
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Automatic deletion of backups and transaction logs leaves broken backup points

TLDR: default log shipping job and maintenance plan are deleting old files from disk but backups are still displayed in SSMS making it very slow to display "Restore" window. How to delete old .trn/.bak correctly? (Azure virtual machine, Windows…
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SOLVED Restored a tar of a physical CentOS machine to a vm and now it won't boot

I have a physical CentOS 5.11 machine and I created a tar of it using: sudo su cd / tar cvpzf backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys / I created a Hyper-V virtual machine, installed…
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barman + postgresql not start after barman retore

I use the barman ( ) , for backup and restore on my linux redhat machine after restore , we start the postgresql as the following systemctl start postgresql.service but postgresql not startup from the log: …
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Backup & Restore Large Files in Windows Server 2008

Using Windows Server 2008 R2. I am in the process of rebuilding this server, and need to backup the existing D: partition which is currently 2TB (500,000+ files). I don't need to backup the system drive (C:). I have tried to FTP these files to a…
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How to restore Windows Bare Metal Image to VM

Trust all are well. I am trying to restore my Physical Server to a VM using the Windows BMR image and this is where I keep getting the error saying that my VM disk is too small. Is there a workaround for this? I have been using Windows backup on…
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Automate restore files on another client with Bareos

I'm taking backups with Bareos and would like to verify my database backup every once in a while. For this I have set up a separate host called backupvalidator. I know how I can restore the files to this host via bconsole commands, where I list the…
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cloudberry unexpected end of stream

We lost an esx host recently and the VM's were being backed up with cloudberry server. all restored fine except for one. We keep receiving an errors "unexpected end of stream" when attempting to restore one VM. We are backing up to and restoring…