Questions tagged [backup-restoration]

344 questions
1 answer

What is the BRU Server Disaster Recovery Procedure?

How do I go about performing a full, bare metal disaster recovery from BRU Server backups? I have backed up the entire C:\ (including Windows, Program Files etc) of a test machine (using Open File Manager) and want to restore this to a new…
2 answers

Users in the field and Time Machine

We have several users in the field with MacBooks. Because they're not always on the network, they save files locally to their notebooks. Normally I back things up by making quick copies to other media, but with the Macs they have the option to run…
Bart Silverstrim
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I am looking for a solution for moving around 3TB offsite? any ideas?

I am looking for a solution for moving around 3TB offsite? any ideas? Tapes take too long to backup, and offsite solutions would cost in the range of around 1000$ per month. Are hardrives a solution? Any idea's even ones I have shot down would be…
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Transferring Microsoft CRM data

My boss has asked me to transfer data from the current Microsoft CRM 4.0 server to a new one. I myself haven't used CRM at all. I've done some research and come across various ways to import data from different sources. These methods include using…
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File-server backup with multiple file-versions

Possible Duplicate: Network-Backup-Software with file versioning and web-interface Dear All, I'm using a single Windows Server 2008 to share data between my WinXP and MacOSX - computers. There is one iSCSI - storage attached, which hold the…
0 answers

Backup and Restore strategy in Hbase cluster

I have just started with Hbase cluster. I have a Hbase cluster with 2 master nodes and 4 slave nodes. I have one hbase table where huge data is populated everyday so the disk gets filled quickly. I would like to implement a backup and restore…
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File History Catalog and Restoring Backup Image ... What Will Happen?

The Windows 10 File History feature stores the configuration files and catalog files both on the local C: and the File History target drive (correct me if I'm wrong please) and keeps them in sync. Is there any documentation or accounts of what…
Harry Muscle
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VDR - Trouble writing to destination volume, error -1020 (sharing violation)

Using VMware Data Recovery 1.1, backing up to CIFS share and getting this error 1/18/2010 8:55:31 AM: Performing incremental back up of disk "Lun VM/VM-DB1-flat.vmdk" using "SCSI Hot-Add" 1/18/2010 8:55:32 AM: Trouble writing to destination volume,…
2 answers

which is the best drive backup software

Iam using window 2008 server on drive C and then on D drive i have all virtual machines folder. I also have two more internal SATA drives i want to backup the whole HD i.e drive C and D. I like the way Vmware workstation takes snapshot of VM. Is…
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Clonezilla does not carry over user login configuration in Ubuntu 18.04

I have a machine with Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 installed. There is a single user and the user is set to login automatically without asking for password. I took device image with Clonezilla to restore the same image to multiple other devices. I tested 4…
B. Ceylan
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Bootable one-to-one backup clone of Windows Server 2019?

The ability to make backup clones of an OS link Linux and macOS (eg, Carbon Copy Cloner, Super Duper, ChronoSync, etc.) offers wonderful peace of mind. For years I've struggled with this seeming to not be available for Windows / Windows Server. …
0 answers

Can't get primary DC up after restore

Recently I have become the administrator of a Windows-server environment. Due to an error on the PDC, I decided to restore it from an old backup (a bit over a month old) - yeah I know now and I'm never making that mistake again. After restoring I…
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Restoring logical volume from GCP/GCE snapshot

I recently carried out a recovery test on a Google Compute Engine VM with a Centos 7 OS. The VM has five partitioned disks managed by LVM. The server has been around for a while so there are about ten file systems distributed over the disks. The…
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sql server backup

Is there any way to to restore a backup created on sql server 2005, onto sql server 2000? Edit: all I have is the .bak file, no access to the original database.
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Windows Server 2016 Backup and restore with previous dates for recover file

I am using Windows Server 2016 for windows backup. My backup is a full server backup scheduled every day at 10:00 PM. A user asked for a three day old file but at the time of recovery or restore only last date showing and other dates are…