Questions tagged [backup-restoration]

344 questions
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What is the best way to restore a Hyper-V VM server?

I backed up a hyper-V VM 2012 server on to a network share to try to run through the process of restoring. I used the windows iso on the VM and selected to restore from the network back up. Everything was restoring fine, but towards the end of…
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Partition backup software

I've used Ghost in the past and creating and recovering partitions was easy. Then I tried Acronis and it's a mess. Too many options, menus mixed-up. The problem is that the partition that I want to back-up is around 15 GB, larger that the DVD size…
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Selectively restore specific databases from a complete mysqldump

I have multiple Wordpress databases stored on a VPS. I am using the following command to back them up: # mysqldump -u root -p password --all-databases > /tmp/all-database.sql This creates a single file. Is there anyway to restore specific databases…
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Dell Server Refuses to load drivers, or detect image/RAID

I have a Dell Poweredge T110 2, with a Perc H200 raid controller and running SBS2011. Recently one of the disks in the non-OS raid began to die, so we thought we'd upgrade to larger disks, so I changed over the disks, and removed and re-generated…
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How to restore with Duplicty if Temp space has 0 available?

Normally this command works properly for restoring: duplicity restore -t7D --file-to-restore folder/to_restore file:///where/is/the_backup/ /where_to_restore --no-encrypt But today I am having this error: Temp space has 0 available, where_to_restore…
0 answers

Restore shows tape volume error

I have used the below command to take dump on my RHEL server: /sbin/dump -0uz -f /data0101/backup_labeir1/labeir1_150622_123050_^apps.dmp /apps The dump is successful, but when I do a restore using the below command it gives the…
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HP Data Protector restore destination not honored?

I have HP Data Protector 5.5 installation backing up a single server. Now we have experienced RAID troubles on the server and I would like to restore the backup to antoher server before commencing any recovery actions on the original server just to…
Tarmo R
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Backup and Restore Multiple MS SQL Databases

We have switched to a new CAD package at work (elecworks) which uses MS SQL Server to store it's data. Unfortunately, it seems to use a separate database for each drawing that is created. We are currently creating new drawings every day, which…
Gavin Coates
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Restore of SBS 2008 unsuccessful

I have a Windows SBS 2008 here that I'm trying to restore from backups. It runs as a VMware virtual machine, so I can use snapshots and try out stuff. What happened Windows froze and the only option I had was to hit the "reset-button". After that I…
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I'm going to wipe a Windows 2008 server, but I want to be able to restore it just in case

I have backed up everything with the Windows Server Backup program, but will this be enough? My company is going to completely wipe the computer that has the server, but in case they change their mind will I be able to restore the server (including…
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Bare Metal Restoration of Child Domain (Active Directory Issue)

As i have a parent - child domain in my network as the parent is situated in other geographical location and they both are connected via VPN as i was working on a Bare metal backup & restore process and suddenly found out that after taking backup of…
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Is mongorestore ditrectly to a path with the --dbpath faster than restoring to a running mongod instance?

What and how much is it faster: #mongod not running mongorestore --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb --db test /some_dump or #mongod running mongorestore --db test /some_dump ? I could not quickly find an answer on the web and have no time now to do a…
Szymon Jeż
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Backup software - for servers and mobile windows systems

I'm implementing a backup system for our network, and finding it somewhat confusing wading through all the options to match them against our needs. We want the backups stored on hard-drive storage on our LAN - this will be on a dedicated server…
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What is the best way to backup and restore a CentOS 7 server, using rsnapshot?

I recently made a backup of a CentOS 7 server using rsnapshot - version 1.3.1 and rsync -version 3.0.9 I made a few changes to the rsnapshot.conf file, which are listed below. I uncommented the following lines: #cmd_cp /usr/bin/cp #cmd_ssh …
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Decompress a PSC File

I need to restore a database that was backed up using navicat's compressed backup feature. But on the restore, there's an error coming up on one of the tables. I can't look at the SQL statements in the file directly because they're compressed, and I…
Kevin Laity
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