Questions tagged [awstats]

AWStats is an open source Web analytics reporting tool, suitable for analyzing data from Internet services such as web, streaming media, mail and FTP servers.

AWStats is an open source Web analytics reporting tool, suitable for analyzing data from Internet services such as web, streaming media, mail and FTP servers. AWStats parses and analyzes server log files, producing HTML reports. Data is visually presented within reports by tables and bar graphs. Static reports can be created through a command line interface, and on-demand reporting is supported through a web browser CGI program.

AWStats supports most major web server log file formats including Apache (NCSA combined/XLF/ELF log format or common/CLF log format), WebStar, IIS (W3C log format) and many other common web server log formats.

Official page

Source: wikipedia

119 questions
2 answers

Configuration issue adding AWStat to Apache v2.2

I'm trying to add AWStats to my working Apache website. But when I go to my perl script it fails: http://localhost/awstats/ I get this error 500 in the browser: Internal Server Error The server encountered an…
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AWStats Extra Section: Show all unique IP requests for specific URL

I just created a new API for a custom service and I would like to track all unique IP's who are sending requests to my api in an extra awstats section but I don't know how to achieve that. The api url: I would like to see 3…
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1 answer

how to create a script shell command

Hi evry one can someone help me to get this command with scrit shell ? root@VPS:/work# cpan Loading internal logger. Log::Log4perl recommended for better logging requires configuration, but most of it can be done automatically. If you…
1 answer

What do the numbers mean in awstats report?

Under the "Links from an Internet Search Engine" in "Connect to site from" section, there are lines like Google .com 0 / 24 What does the number 0 and 24 mean?
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Awstats + Postfix logs - no senders/recipients?

I am trying to configure awstats (v7.6 from repo on Ubuntu 18.04) to process postfix log files. But I don't have much log data to work with. Awstats is reporting that it has processed the data and the summary shows the expected number of messages…
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Is it possible to specify the same availability zone as my EBS storage when creating a new EC2 instance?

Right now I have an EBS storage volume in the us-east-2b availability zone. However, I have some code that is automating the process of creating an instance and it's using us-east-2 as its availability zone. The problem is that the instance seems to…
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1 answer

how to create Ec2 instance with (windows 2019 cup 1 Ram 32 Gb internet speed 20000 MBPS)

I have to create a aws ec2 instance with network speed 20000 MBPS. like when i take rdp and check network speed on speed test , my speed should be 20000MBPS.
1 answer

Log analyzer for statistics (referring sites, referrers URLs) per day

The main task of the analyzer - referring sites, referrers URLs. Logs are collected in one place from 3 nginx server. I install awstats with a specific parameter LogFormat - all working fine, but the customer was not enough, we need statistics…
1 answer

What are the practices for load balancing web stats?

I'm admnistrating two servers with LAMPs which I need to set up as load balancing. I was wondering what are the best practices to deal with statistics? my two apaches will generate each their own log file, which I need to merge and feed to awstats…
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Misuse of the statistics script of Plesk?

I downloaded the log file from the web server, and found many strange entries. Why is a statistics script called so terribly often? What do all the junk referrers do there? Looks like some mis-configuration of the Plesk software for managing…
1 answer

Yesterday-access.log is pointing to a different directory

Under /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/ folder, the yesterday-access.log is pointing to a wrong directory. yesterday-access.log is just a symlink to: /var/www/clients/client1/web2/log/20130626-access.log. The correct value should…
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1 answer

Migrate awstats : configuration and data, unable to access stats

I'm migrating a webapp to a fresh server. We use awstats to process log analysis. I've installed awstats and I have migrated the config files in /etc/awstats, I've also migrated the associated Apache 2 virtual host to access the stats. I've tried to…
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1 answer

Awstats: Why 'permission denied' reading logfile even with permissions 4777?

When I run Awstats via a web browser and click "Update now" it reports: Error: Couldn't open server log file "/var/log/httpd/domains/" : Permission denied Setup ('/etc/awstats/' file, web server or permissions)…
Peter White
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1 answer

awstats mail log analyser

i have configured mail log analyser(awstats) on my mail server,but i am not getting reports of users who send or receive mail from my mail server,i want a cron job to automaticaly update the mail logs when a user send or receive mail,what can i do…
achal tomar
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