Questions tagged [awstats]

AWStats is an open source Web analytics reporting tool, suitable for analyzing data from Internet services such as web, streaming media, mail and FTP servers.

AWStats is an open source Web analytics reporting tool, suitable for analyzing data from Internet services such as web, streaming media, mail and FTP servers. AWStats parses and analyzes server log files, producing HTML reports. Data is visually presented within reports by tables and bar graphs. Static reports can be created through a command line interface, and on-demand reporting is supported through a web browser CGI program.

AWStats supports most major web server log file formats including Apache (NCSA combined/XLF/ELF log format or common/CLF log format), WebStar, IIS (W3C log format) and many other common web server log formats.

Official page

Source: wikipedia

119 questions
3 answers

AWStats ignore all but one sub directory

I'm using AWStats and I want to ignore everything in a subdirectory except for a particular directory, here is the directory layout: Webroot -dir_1 -dir_2 --subdir_a --subdir_b --subdir_c ... I want to run statistics for everything in the web…
Brian Fisher
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1 answer

In AWStats, is there a way to exclude certain urls counting towards counting as pages, but still count as hits

AWStats distinguishes the difference between a page and a hit in it's web log stats. To accomplish this, there is a configuration option to identify certain file extensions as hits, but not pages. eg: NotPageList="css js class java gif jpg jpeg png…
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Can't start httpd as root

Even when running httpd as root, I get this error: Starting httpd: (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:100 (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting…
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0 answers

AWStats error: command for pipe failed

I'm getting this error from AWStats 7.2 cron job (on Ubuntu 14.04, using stock awstats package) when reading an icecast log via a pipe to filter out one vhost: Error while processing /etc/awstats/awstats.mysite.conf Create/Update database for config…
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2 answers

Can AWStats show bounce rate?

I'm looking for a web log analyzer that can report on bounce rate. We have used AWStats in the past as it is free and works well; however, I don't think it can report on bounce rate. Bounce Rate - % of users who leave the site after visiting only…
The Lame Duck
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awstats does not detect iphone or ipad from the HTTPD logs

I'm trying to use awstats to identify number of requests that originated from ipad and iphone. I tried the following URL but none of the steps to recognize ipad/iphone or even iOS work for me: Analyze HTTP logs, looking for iOS I'm using AWStats…
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1 answer

securing awstats with htaccess

I'm trying to configure awstats in a way that I have a site that is not authenticated, and another site that is authenticated. More specifically domain/awstats/ shouldn't be authenticated domain/awstats/ should…
1 answer

Does anyone have a config to process AWS CloudFront/S3 logs with AWStats (or similar sw)?

I don't want to give an external company like s3stat access to my logs. I know that AWS logs S3 and Cloud Front in a format readable by AWStats. Has anyone used AWSats to analyze them? S3stat used to offer a hosted version of their software that…
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nginx: rewrite URL but have original URL stored in access.log as 200

I'm setting up a link tracking system, which (temporarily) involves adding /link/id/ in front of URL (like http://server/data/id/publication/id/). rewrite data/id/(.*) http://server/$1; The request is logged as: ip - - [17/Nov/2011:10:07:19 +0300]…
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2 answers

slow speed in aswtates update

I have installed AWStates to analyze my site apache log. I have run the update command for the first time. size of log file is 250M.I run it about 10 mins ago and it is still working. Is this slow speed in update command ok?
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3 answers

Apache returns the perl script source instead of execute the script when the request comes from chrome

I've just finish to install awstats on my web server, and it runs fine using firefox. But when I try to open the awstats page with chrome, the perl source script is downloaded (instead of being executed). it seems the MIME requested by Chrome gave a…
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5 answers

Log analyzer that calculates "time on page"?

I need to get an idea of the average "time on page" or "page view duration" for each page on my websites without client-side scripting (such as using onunload event handler). Is any of the free log analyzers capable of doing this? I looked at…
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1 answer

How can I grab the stats of load-balanced servers?

I've got two servers with IIS 6 and I have to set up a statistics report for the website that is hosted in both servers. load balanced. Tried AW Stats but it is a pain. I'm using SmarterSTATS now , it sounds good. But it's like the servers logs are…
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1 answer

Using awstats with a round-robin DNS configuration

I have a website with multiple web servers whose access is controlled via a round-robin DNS. We currently use Google Analytics for site traffic monitoring but were looking to move to awstats due to concerns of inaccuracy with Google Analytics and…
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0 answers

AWStats cron job '' takes more than 24 hours

We have trouble on the AWStats background job reading the access.log file: the scripts takes more than 24 hours and it seems never ends. We have a web site which has more than 8 million page views per day, generating a 2 GB Apache…
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