Questions tagged [autorun]

13 questions
2 answers

Run a Program Without User Being Logged On

I am running a Windows 7 installation, and I want to be able to run an application when there is no user logged in. The reason for this is that my application is a monitoring tool, and we want to be able to monitor 24/7 even if the computer reboots.…
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Run a command when a disk is inserted (Linux)

I would like to automatically run my own command any time a drive is inserted under Linux (including USB drives, for example). Obviously the simplest solution would be to regularly poll and check for changes to /proc/partitions or to /dev/disk, but…
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How do I use runit to manage my custom made node.js service?

My service is very basic, just an HTTP service. I just want it to restart automatically when it quits because of an error. I figured I could use runit to do this, but it seems like the runit docs mostly talk about how to convert your entire init.d…
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Windows registry subkey creation not generating logs (Windows event ID 4657)

I am experiencing an issue where I am trying to audit a specific registry key via Windows Event ID 4657. TL; DR: I have tried to setup auditing on a registry key when a new subkey is created under it, but it does not log when this action is…
3 answers

WinXP DVD/CD freezes Explorer for 8-12 minutes, then continues as normal

A user came to me with a CD containing 24 PDFs, complaining that he couldn't read the disk on his computer. I was able to read the disk with no problem on my PC. I went to his desk, put the CD in his Dell Latitude D610, fired up Windows (XP)…
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Gearmand autostart at system boot

Gearman server is installed and working fine on Ubuntu 12.04. But it won`t start at system boot. I try this: Startup applications (/etc/init.d/gearman-job-server owned by root), sudo update-rc.d gearman-job-server defaults Into rc.local added (I…
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3 answers

Autodetect/mount SDCards and run script for them on Linux

I'm currently running SME Server, and need to have a script run upon the attachment of SD Cards to my server. The script itself works fine (it copies the contents of the cards), but the automounting and execution of the script is where I'm having…
2 answers

Prevent program from being started on RDP logon

I got a small problem. I have a program which has to run all the time on the server (Windows 2008). It's not a service but a normal application. It is located in startup. The problem is its working with a database and isn't allowed to run two times.…
2 answers

How to run at boot a program that will run until shutdown

I am using Debian (6) and need to run at boot an X server (without a login manager). What is the best way to do this? From what I've read, the usual way is to have a script in /etc/init.d. I created a script that runs xinit /usr/bin/xterm -- :0 vt7…
2 answers

Auto start a program (and run under other account) on user logon

I really like Mark Russinovich's Process Explorer so I'm always running it. I would like to automate this task of manually starting this process up every time I logon. But I want this program to run as domain administrator even though I logon as a…
Robert Koritnik
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2 answers

How to autostart webserver in ubuntu server without root rights?

How can I run a webserver on boot without root rights (as another user)? I could just add it in rc.local, but it's run under root user.
1 answer

Batch file to autorun when computer is inactive

As the title says, I want a batch file to autorun when the computer (mouse, keyboard, etc ...) are stopped (inactive) for at least 3 minutes. Help?
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1 answer

How to auto run a program on the client side after connecting to AD domain?

How to run a program on the client desktop after connecting to Active Directory domain ?