Questions tagged [at]

39 questions
1 answer

problems with scheduler and rights

I have WinXP installed in C:\WINDOWS\ with 2 accounts: Administrator and user. The second one is limited and used for main work, but I also know a password for Administrator. I want to make an alarm clock via task scheduling, but I can't! AT doesn't…
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avoid zombie processes when using at

I'm using at to schedule a script in a Centos based Docker container. e.g. echo "bash /path/to/" | at now + 1 minute It mostly works as expected with the exception being that it results in a zombie process every minute. I'm guessing the…
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at command seems to be discarding output

Running 'at' on either Debian Jessie or Raspbian Jessie, output seems to go down a black hole whatever I do. I'm wanting to capture errors, but even in the simple case of stdout I can't seem to capture output. I'm trying, for example: echo "curl…
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Does Solaris/Illumos have a daemon for at jobs, or manage internally?

I scheduled a test at job and reviewed it with atq, but I do not see an atd daemon which will carry them out. Is this managed within the Solaris / Illumos kernal? If not, which daemon manages at jobs? I am actually surprised not to find atd, because…
700 Software
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Problems using "at" with Apache

I'm trying to use a PHP script to create at jobs, but when it comes time to execute the jobs, nothing seems to be happening. I've tried to output any errors to log files, but have had no luck. It seems obvious that it's a permissions issue, because…
3 answers

changing default shell to /bin/bash of at job scheduler like in CRON

Is there a way to change the initial shell used by the atd job scheduling service? Esp. in Ubuntu. at by default uses /bin/sh in every Linux and Solaris I've deployed products on. GNU's crontab does give you the option to set SHELL=/bin/bash as the…
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At command - Windows

I'm quite confused by the at command, I am not even sure if something IS happening as I don't get feedback if a task has been added or not. Is there anywhere I can check added tasks?
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3 answers

at Command output is not uniform across versions and operating systems. Any other way of doing this?

I have written a small PHP script to wrap the at command on Ubuntu. Now I need to get the same code running on a Redhat server. Of course the output when adding and listing jobs is of course different. Ubuntu (at -V = 3.1.11): job 4 at Fri Nov 12…
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SELinux prevents Apache from scheduling at job

I have an application that submits tasks to cloud services that create certain time-sensitive assets. The services take an unknown amount of time to process, and in addition the assets may be scheduled to go public even further in the future, so…
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How to remove at job generated by www-data with another Linux user

Script executed by www-data creates an at job. Afterwards, normal Linux user cannot remove this job (atrm) because "Not owner". How can this be achieved?
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What does the @ symbol mean before a file path in Windows command prompt?

I've noticed that powershell.exe started csc.exe with a command line like this: "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\csc.exe" /noconfig /fullpaths @"C:\Windows\TEMP\pn1kld2d.cmdline" I've read the CSC manual page, but didn't found any…
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/interactive flag with the at command in Windows Server 2003

In Windows XP, it's possible to use the at command to launch programs (e.g. "at 5:00PM /interactive gohomefromwork.exe"). The at command also exists in Windows Server 2003 but I can't seem to run programs interactively there. Instead, with a command…
Zian Choy
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Debian 8- atd process consuming 99% cpu

I’m new to server administration. Using Debian 8, a process called atd is consuming 99% of cpu. From googling I found out that atd is a job scheduler, but I didn’t set up any. I just have apache 2 and tomcat 8 running with a java web app. Atq call…
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at command: Exec failed for mail command: No such file or directory

I got to run a task today at midnight on a debian system. As I never did anything with atd I wanted to try first, if it works as expected. I got a in folder /usr/local/dump/ which contains the following: #!/bin/sh echo "xyz" > out.file I…
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how to find linux at job status

Im using echo " | at -q now to create a queue of jobs. I can use atq command to get list of jobs. I cant seem to find any command or swtich which can show me status of the job : like say running, queued, done, etc
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