Questions tagged [at]

39 questions
0 answers

schedule command with "at" after reboot

I'm trying to schedule a command to run only once with at. But the server is prone to reboot at least once every day. I already tried to schedule a command with at` to be executed in 24 hours, but it wasn't executed. how can I get at to remember the…
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need at jobs identified by name (advanced atd daemon)

Sometimes I'd like to delete or overwrite (or simply cat) an at job. Unfortunately, the at jobs are identified by a sequential number (file in /var/spool/cron/atjobs), which makes those operations complicated. Is there a way, probably an advanced…
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Windows Server 2003 - AT command for repeating a scheduled Task

Is it possible to use the AT command to create a scheduled task that repeats every X minutes? I can use AT to make one that repeats daily/weekly/monthly, but haven't seen a minute/hourly repeat. I can use the task scheduler to create a task, but…
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How can I use symbolic signals in an at job?

In this answer on SO, I gave an example that should have used a -SIGCONT signal in a job submitted to at. However, I found that the process that I had stopped with -SIGSTOP did not continue. When I changed the signal to the numeric value, it…
Dennis Williamson
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at daemon: What is the point of the "batch" queue?

I'm wondering if there's a practical purpose to the batch queue (i.e. batch, at -q b). I'm asking this because there seems to be a mandatory 1 minute wait time (by atd's default) between consecutive job executions. (e.g. If I perform batch <<
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at-command: Scheduling and process priority

I have about 10 "at" jobs. There are cases where there is a conflict of resources and I am trying to find a neat way to schedule this. Say, job#5 may want to start before the job#4 ends. Each job has a priority/weight. If job#5 has higher priority,…
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script spawn via atd leaves a process stuck in wait

I have a bash script which is run via at, I run it like echo "bash /path/to/my/" | at -M now because I want it to run detached. When the script is spawned, immediately I see 2 instances (ps), and even after my script completes successfully,…
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How to restrict access to subdirs in Nginx

My question is very simple, but I can't find simple answer on this forum or Google... How to restrict access to all subdirs in Nginx ? I can only restrict access to the exact path: location /wiki/data { deny all; } This is ok for the data…
1 answer

Allow nginx www to run Centos at command

I have a job which created by PHP script running as www (nginx) 31 2014-06-09 19:08 a www After the time passed, the job is executed but nothing happens. But if i run it as a root, 32 2014-06-09 19:09 a root the job is executed and i can…
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