I have WinXP installed in C:\WINDOWS\ with 2 accounts: Administrator and user. The second one is limited and used for main work, but I also know a password for Administrator. I want to make an alarm clock via task scheduling, but I can't!

AT doesn't work, saying access is denied under admin as well as under user. Ok, I've found an article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/259907/en-us, stating LocalSystem account should have full access to root directory. No problem...

C:\>cacls \ /G LocalSystem:F
No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.

WHAT? Current rights:

C:\>cacls \
C:\ BUILTIN\Administrators:(OI)(CI)F
    BUILTIN\Users:(CI)(special access:)

    BUILTIN\Users:(CI)(IO)(special access:)


Ok, I googled it more and found, there's schtasks command (formatting)

C:\>schtasks /create
  /sc DAILY
  /tn alarmtest3
  /tr "wmplayer c:\music\catgroove.mp3"
  /st 01:50:00

It even creates task, but they just do not run.


TaskName                             Next Run Time            Status
==================================== ======================== ===============
alarm                                11:00:00, 28.02.2011
alarmtest                            Never                    Could not start
alarmtest3                           01:50:00, 24.02.2011     Could not start
GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore          At logon time
GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore          16:14:00, 23.02.2011
GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA            02:14:00, 23.02.2011

Scheduler is running:

C:\>net start | findstr Sched
   Avira AntiVir Scheduler
   Task Scheduler

How could I schedule something?

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1 Answers1


Review the scheduler log at c:\WINDOWS\SchedLgU.Txt You should find the entry after you job. It will say something like this, but probably have a non zero exit code:

Result: The task completed with an exit code of (0).

Did you try invoking this command interactively before scheduling it? I suspect your problem is that wmplayer is not in the system path. You will probably need to invoke it with the full path.

Tried this, got error:

C:\>wmplayer c:\windows\media\recycle.wav
'wmplayer' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Tried this, the sound was played:

C:\>"c:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" c:\windows\media\recycle.wav
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