Questions tagged [amazon-elastic-ip]

AWS Elastic IP addresses (EIP) allow the assignment of public static IPv4 addresses to resources, generally EC2 instances. An EIP can be remapped quickly, which allows the user to mask the failure of instances or software.

An Elastic IP Address (EIP) is a public static IPv4 address, which is reachable from the Internet. You can associate an Elastic IP address with your EC2 instance to enable communication with the Internet; for example, to connect to your instance from your local computer.

Elastic IPs provide resource mobility within a single VPC within a single AWS region, assisting with architecting fault tolerant applications. An unallocated EIP incurs charges.

Questions specifically dealing with AWS' Elastic IP should use this tag.

148 questions
2 answers

Elastic IP address on EC2 instance interface without 1:1 NAT

I have a basic Amazon VPC set up with a public and private subnet. I have deployed a Vyatta router in the public subnet that does NAT for the private subnet. I have an elastic IP address assigned to the Vyatta instance which does a 1:1 NAT to the…
1 answer

haproxy and keepalived on Amazon EC2

The new Amazon Opsworks service uses haproxy rather than Amazon's own very limited elastic load-balancer so I started investigating haproxy as a better option for load-balancing our web app servers, providing session fail-over, etc. I got haproxy…
2 answers

ec2: assign cname to elastic ip

Couldn't find this exact same question so here it goes: I'm trying to setup a CNAME record to an elastic ip linked to a ec2-instance, but this fails. When deassociating the elastic-ip from the instance and linking it to the public dns of the…
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Why Can't I Associate Elastic IP with EC2 Instance?

I have a running EC2-classic instance, at t2-micro. It has the public IP that was associated with it when it started. Despite having RTFM three times[1] I can't figure out how to associate an allocated elastic IP with the running instance. I…
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AWS CLI Launch Instance Hostname & Elastic IP

Is it possible to do the following with AWS EC2? And if so what is the AWS CLI command for it? Launch an instance and bind an Elastic IP at the same time Change the hostname of an instance that is created with from the AWS…
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Having trouble ssh into ec2 instance with elastic ip address

I have a new ubuntu EC2 micro instance in a VPN with what i think should be access from the outside world to ssh. $ ssh -i ./sendy.pem ubuntu@ ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out One thing that looks wrong…
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Amazon EC2 - need to change IP address without downtime

I'm maintaining a fairly high-profile site which is hosted on Amazon EC2, and the previous developer pointed the A record at the instance's "public IP" instead of using an "Elastic IP". As far as I can tell the "public IP" is not in any way…
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aws elasticbeanstalk with static public ip

For a new web application I am looking at AWS ElasticBeanstalk. I like its auto-balancing and auto-rolling updates' system as well as all the other scaling-related features. But.. I need a static IP in order to communicate with a webservice…
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Amazon EC2 - Adding a Elastic IP does not show up in IIS

I have created a Windows Server 2012 EC2 instance and I have bound an Elastic IP address to the server. The problem is, the IP address isn't showing up in IIS 8 and I can't seem to get web sites to respond if I manually type in the IP address. How…
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Is the Static IP in Lightsail same as Elastic IP?

What is the difference between Static IP in Lightsail, and an Elastic IP if any? I am trying to request a reverse DNS entry with AWS for my mail server. I did not have a Lightsail Static IP and the support team said I need an Elastic IP. So I added…
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AWS CLI Elastic IP, IPv6

I have two AWS instances working in high availability. (I'm using keepalived) I have an Elastic IP associated, everything was a fine. I used this script so to change the instance IP in case o…
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Security group for a changing aws instance via external ip address

PLEASE NOTE: port 22 is just an example port there will be instances when it is not port 22 I am trying to deal with. Security Groups "server-1" has a security group "group-1" "server-2" has a security group "group-2" "server-1" has an elastic ip…
2 answers

Can't connect remotely to SQLServer Express 2008 on AWS EC2 instance using SSMS

Every time I try and connect to a remote SQLServer Express instance on my AWS server I get a network or instance specific error. What I have tried so far: I ensured that the Security Group applied to the instance has an inbound rule for Port 1433…
2 answers

chef assign elastic ip to instance

I am using a custom bash script to spin up/down EC2 instances as needed. The script creates the instance similar to: knife ec2 server create --config .chef/knife.rb with a few other parameters. It creates the instance fine but I want to be able to…
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HTTP not working EC2 instance with own domain name

I have this problem I've already posted on the Amazon AWS forum. Unfortunately I haven't got a clear answer I and I was hoping you guys could help. Here's the link:…
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