Questions tagged [amazon-beanstalk]
35 questions
3 answers
How do I attach an Elastic IP to an Elastic Beanstalk app?
I can give a single instance an Elastic IP. No problem.
But I have an Elastic Beanstalk app. It can create and remove instances as needed. It has a load balancer. How can I get these features (Elastic IP and Elastic Beanstalk) to work…
Geoff Noble
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3 answers
Instance's deployment / post configuration for AWS Elastic Beanstalk
I am using AWS Elastic Beanstalk, it is easy to start with deploying Java based web app, which is great.
However, I want to install Memcached on every instance locally so they can be used for caching, but seems it validated the principle of Elastic…
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2 answers
Getting application logs. Command failed on instance
Currently using the Amazon web services, I successfully deployed multiple applications on Elastic Beanstalk ( with green cluster health) as Docker containers.
The problem however arises when I try to get the logs with the console; when I do "request…
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How to configure Apache on Amazon Elastic Beanstalk
My PHP5.3 application is currently running on a Windows 2003 server running XAMPP 1.7.7
I've decided it will be better if I can get it moved onto the cloud, and Amazon Elastic Beanstalk looks like the easiest way to go. I'm starting with a 64bit…
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1 answer
AWS cloud architecture
I'm trying to figure out how to deploy my applications on AWS. I have very limited DevOps experience and I'm not sure if my design is good.
I have two application, a web application that handles files upload and a processing application that do…
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How to configure Elastic Beanstalk for using Rails with Postgres?
Elastic Beanstalk has built in support for RDS. But, I want to use Postgresql with Elastic Beanstalk. Which will be the best approach for doing this?
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beanstalk using php-git on windows client
I am trying to install beanstalk for php using git. I am using a Windows Client machine. I am done with the prerequisite installations , credentials setup. I am following the link…
3 answers
32 bit Small ec2-Instance or 64 bit Micro ec2-Instance?
Is the 1.7 GB memory bottlenecked by the 32 bit processor in case of Small instance? Or does choosing 64 bit Micro instance give better performance because its 64bit? I am confused performance wise, and cant think straight. Even if there is no fixed…
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Per-second billing for custom AMI
In the beginning of October this year Amazon announced per-second billing for EC2 instances. This potentially could be a big cost reduction for me.
However Amazon also says this billing is platform dependent:
Per-second billing is not currently…
Marek Raki
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1 answer
How to replace php.ini on elastic beanstalk EC2 instances for PHP?
I have been exploring Elastic Beanstalk for easy deployment of my PHP 5.4 application. For my application, I need to make changes in php.ini file.
After some searching on internet i tried to use configuration files in git directory. Following is the…
Ruchit Rami
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1 answer
Amazon Elastic Beanstalk: How do you customize a Ruby AMI?
The following article explains detailed how to create a custom Tomcat based AMI for Beanstalk. The key is running the following commands before creating your AMI:
sudo -s
cd /etc/init.d
./httpd start
./tomcat7 start
However I didn't find any…
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Deploying site on Amazon Beanstalk and IIS settings
I am interested in working with Amazon Elastic Beanstalk to deploy my new site. A few things that I need to know and can't get an answer to:
1) How can I maintain IIS settings of all deployed and future deployed machines?
2) If I can maintain, what…
Liron Harel
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1 answer
How AWS Beanstalk Use Commands to Restart Application Server
enter image description here
I know beanstalk deploy program use "eb deploy" command.
If I want to use commands to Restart Application Server of AWS Beanstalk ?
Is there a command to carry out this goal ?
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How to specify a Dockerun file for a Docker backed Beanstalk deployment in Cloudformation template
I want to create a Cloudformation template for launching an Elastic Beanstalk application based on the Docker platform. I managed to make manually the setup, which includes uploading the
From what I've seen, this file can be…
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0 answers
Beanstalk - eb branch command not found
I'm new to AWS and I'm trying to get a Node.js app running using Beanstalk.
The app is running now and I would like to deploy code from a prod git branch.
I followed this tutorial:…
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