Questions tagged [amazon-cloudwatch]

Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and management service for Amazon-hosted (AWS) cloud applications.

183 questions
0 answers

Single graph with multiple instance values for same metric?

I am having 10 tomcat servers running on separate EC2 instance. I can successfully create a graph for heap value of each tomcat server using the below command mon-put-data --metric-name Heapmetric --namespace cloud --dimensions "InstanceId=i-444444"…
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1 answer

Can I get AWS Service Health Alerts (text/email)?

Is it possible to receive AWS Service Health Alerts (text or email) for zones where I have my servers in? There was an issue in EC2 North Virginia Oct 15th and I would have like to have known there was an Amazon Service issue so I can tell my…
1 answer

How do I get more information about a CloudTrailAuthorizationFailures alarm

I am getting several of these alarms, so I decided to look at the event history in CloudTrail. However there are no events that I can see with error codes. I would've thought that events that cause the alarm would be in here. Question: So how do I…
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2 answers

Amazon AWS RDS Burst Balance vs CPU Credit Balance

I'm trying to understand if I have spec'd my database appropriately. Below is a chart showing the WriteIOPS, CPUCreditBalance and BurstBalance for a t3.xlarge instance of SQL Server. It looks like I'm consuming my BurstBalance in another 15 hours or…
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1 answer

Are the units incorrect for Storage Read / Write graphs in AWS ECS Container Insights?

In AWS Console > CloudWatch > Container Insights > Performance monitoring > ECS Tasks, the graphs for both Storage Read and Storage Write have units shown as Bytes/Second like this: Storage Read Bytes/Second However in both cases the graphs appear…
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How can I search across CloudWatch log groups on AWS?

I have a number of lambda functions which run my serverless backend. Something somewhere is misbehaving, and I need to bring up/search all the logs from a particular time — from all log groups, not just a single one, or a single stream. Is there a…
2 answers

Permissions for choosing tags in Cloudwatch

When trying to create a Cloudwatch dashboard I get "You don't have permission to access tags and properties. Retry". What permissions does my IAM account have to have in order to be able to search and choose from tags and properties from…
1 answer

Setting up autoscaling based on network throughput

I need help in setting up autoscaling based on network throughput. Our front instances are placed inside an autoscaling group. We want the number of instances to increase as a function of network throughput in the whole autoscaling group. i.e. Once…
4 answers

How to post logs to Cloudwatch with CLI?

Im tring to create a bash script that checks the status of the website, Im using this command: This one to create the logstream aws logs create-log-stream --log-group-name "WebsiteStatusMessage" --log-stream-name $timestamp This other one to post…
0 answers

How to monitor the disk space usage of an AWS elasticache redis cluster?

This is the reason behind this question: I am using a redis cluster on AWS elasticcache as a datastore. I do not enable eviction because I need to keep the data alive inside the redis cluster for as long as the users are actively using them. It is a…
Anthony Kong
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1 answer

How can I get AWS cloudwatch logs into GCP stack driver logs viewer?

I have set up the "connector account" thing in Stackdriver, and I'm able to see metrics in GCP, which is super cool! I would now like to also get all cloudwatch logs into google's logging tool. Can this be done with the connector account as well? Or…
1 answer

AWS CloudWatch metrics - are there convergence delays?

We are in the process of setting up aws cloudwatch exporter( to export cloudwatch metrics to our prometheus server. When reading through the documentation, I see a note about convergence of aws…
0 answers

AWS lambda add-permission --source-arn weirdness

I'm following this guide on setting up a lambda function to subcribe to log events. In step 5 you need to "Grant CloudWatch Logs the permission to execute your function" like this: aws lambda add-permission \ --function-name "helloworld" \ …
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Can I put custom events in the default event bus in AWS EventBridge?

Can I call PutEvents on the default event bus of AWS EventBridge to push custom events? I am trying at the moment but it doesn't seem to do anything (however I do not get an error). After reading a bit, I am doubting whether it is possible to put…
Matthieu Napoli
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2 answers

Create / Destroy EC2 instances for ECS tasks

I have various Fargate tasks. They work fine. I then have a few additional tasks that require more disc space than silly old Fargate will allow. These have to run on EC2 instances that I have assigned to their respective cluster. I trigger these…
Ben Smith
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