Questions tagged [amazon-alb]

Amazon Web Services supports three types of Load Balancers. An Application Load Balancer (ALB) functions at the application layer, the seventh layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model.

95 questions
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Overriding AWS ALB's default error page(s) with custom one(s) using CloudFront

I have an ALB, containing Rules that forward requests to my private EC2s, hosted on AWS, and when I make a new deployment, I have a script in Lambda that turns off my ASGs and turns them back on. During this period when the ASGs are down and I try…
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How to assign the same elastic IP to a NAT gateway and an ALB?

The architectural diagram shown below is taken from an AWS blog titled Task Networking in AWS Fargate. The blog was posted in January 2018. The description that comes with the image states that: This configuration allows your tasks in Fargate to…
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Why is my autoscaling group instance unhealthy?

I'm noticing a very strange issue with an AWS auto-scaling group. Instances are being reported (incorrectly) as being unhealthy. The instances are then being terminated and replaced unnecessarily. This is causing problems because it is leaving the…
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AWS Application Load Balancer 502 Bad Gateway

I am using AWS ECS Fargate and have an application load balancer to forward all the connections to the correct instance. I did already manage to get up a cluster and a service up and running connected to an ALB which has a DNS record created in…
2 answers

Cannot get websocket connection working with ec2 + application load balancer

I have an aws application load balancer with an https listener on port 9999, forwarding to a group on port 9999 with an ec2-instance being the target. If I run my websocket server with the host name configured to my domain, then when…
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AWS: How to redirect HTTP to HTTPS on App Load Balancer?

I have a number of IIS web servers behind an App Load Balancer (ALB). The web servers all have self-signed SSL certificate installed and redirect from HTTP to HTTPS using URL rewrite module properly setup: If I directly access these web servers,…
Silly Dude
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Nginx container health-check for AWS-ALB

I need to have a health-check path for ALB setup that points to a server which has docker container Nginx. I do not have access inside the EC2 server to add a file there. I can just add something in Docker-Container I have tried the following…
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How to block loadbalancer forwarding to a specific path?

I have set up ALB loadbalancer. I want to prevent forwarding request towards a specific path like not to go to The current Listeners set up look like below: 1 Arn IF Path is /service/ forward to tg1 …
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How do I determine the Container ID so that Terraform can attach it to an ALB target group?

I've used Terraform to create a VPC, subnets, ECS instances, routing and a task definition which I am able to run via the AWS console. That gives me a few instances of my small web app running in multiple containers. I have also been able to create…
Neil Trodden
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Managing AWS EC2 and RDS autoscalling configuraiton

A client of ours generally can get away with running just the one EC2 and also has an Aurora serverless MySQL 5.7 database running, however there are times when their load spikes up significantly. e.g. going from maybe 20 sessions to 200 sessions in…
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AWS: ECS/ALB setup, converting a docker-compose file, port mapping to mulitple containers

I know this is not an 'original question'. The general topic is covered extensively. Neverthless i'm struggling with my particular setup: I'm trying to basically convert the following docker-compose file into an ECS based deploy in AWS. version:…
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AWS alb and DNS routing

I have behind ALB Since I'm using external DNS service other than route53, I created a CNAME in my DNS service such as pointing to It works fine. But then, I need to add TXT…
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Istio : HTTPS Traffic converted to HTTP with port set as 443

Bug description We have setup an istio over on eks cluster & a java app is hosted in it. The pod has been created along with service with type ClusterIP We have created Virtual Service, Gateway & set the istio ingress gateway as a NodePort. In front…
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AWS Application Load Balancer with https upstreams not working

Anyone help with a problem i am having with trying to configure my AWS Application Load Balancer to use an HTTPS upstream on a IIS server. Everything works fine when I set the target group to hit the IIS server on http/80 with no issues. Due to…
John Fox
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Nginx proxy_pass failing when keeping EC2 behind aws ALB, 502 status error

I have 2 instances one for backend(URL: and another for frontend(URL: pointed through Backend-TG and frontend-TG respectively. AWS application load balancer used to configure the rules based on the host header. ALB…
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