Questions tagged [wpa2]

Security protocol (IEEE 802.11i) developed by the Wi-Fi Alliance to protect wireless networks.

WPA2 is the successor to the WPA protocol and was released in 2004, it is now mandatory for all new devices that bear the Wi-Fi trademark.

Improvements include:

  • AES-based encryption mode
  • CCMP
317 questions
5 answers

Consequences of the WPA2 KRACK attack

Today new research was published on vulnerabilities in wireless network security called Krack. What are the real-world consequences of these attacks for users and owners of wireless networks, what can an attacker actually do to you? Also is there…
Rory McCune
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9 answers

To sufficiently protect against KRACK is patching the client, the AP, or both, required?

Following on from this question, I am unclear on which of the following steps are sufficient to protect a WPA2-based wifi connection from the KRACK flaw: Patching the AP (e.g. router) Patching the client (e.g. mobile device) Patching the AP and the…
Jon Bentley
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3 answers

Why wasn't the KRACK exploit discovered sooner?

From what I've read, the issue is as simple as performing step 3 of a 4-step handshake and the consequences of performing that step more than once. Considering the complexity of these kinds of algorithms, I'm somewhat surprised that it is so…
Dave Cousineau
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2 answers

WPA2 ephemeral key derivation

I'm trying to learn how ephemeral keys in WPA2 4-way handshake are derived. Starting from 4 EAPOL packets sniffing, I successfully derived PMK and PTK reading ANonce, SNonce, and knowing ASCII-PSK and the SSID. From PTK I derived, by splitting it,…
spazio dati
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3 answers

What is the best home wireless network encryption algorithm to use?

What is the best home wireless network encryption algorithm to use? I realize the best answer will probably change over time, and hopefully people can provide updated answers as new standards come out. So far, my knowledge, as of early 2015…
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4 answers

Are WPA2 connections with a shared key secure?

This is something that has been bugging me for quite some time: when I have a wifi access point with WPA2 encryption and I give out the key, how secure are the connections? With WEP you could easily decrypt all packets using the same key, but with…
8 answers

Why is WPA Enterprise more secure than WPA2?

In personal mode WPA2 is more secure than WPA. However, I have read that WPA Enterprise provides stronger security than WPA2 and I am unsure exactly how this is achieved.
1 answer

How does a nonce reset allow for decryption?

I'm sure that by now most InfoSec-lovers have heard about KRACK. If you haven't, check out this great explaination by a fellow StackExchanger. It's a new attack on WPA2 which allows for decryption and forging of packets in certain (and certainly…
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3 answers

How safe are Wi-Fi Hotspots? Because WPA 2 is compromised, is there any other security protocol for Wi-Fi?

WPA 2 can be cracked using Aircrack-ng in Kali Linux. Is there any other security protocol for Wi-Fi which is not compromised?
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6 answers

Recommend Length for Wi-FI PSK?

I currently have a network set up with WPA2 and AES encryption, the password is 8 characters long but was randomly generated and contains no dictionary words. However I'm concerned about the increasing power of computers and their ability to crack…
Concrete Donkey
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2 answers

Strength of WEP, WPA and WPA 2 PSK

I know there are three method for wifi security. What are the relative strengths of the password encryption in WEP, WPA and WPA2 PSK?
Muhammad Sholihin
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2 answers

What are the difference between WPA2-PSK and WPA2-EAP-PSK?

What are the differences between WPA2-PSK and WPA2 EAP-PSK? What are the pros and cons of using one configuration or the other?
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1 answer

What is stronger - WPA2 Enterprise with 2048 bit key, or Personal with 63 character passphrase?

Which of the two following has a stronger cryptographic strength in withstanding brute-force attacks? WPA/WPA2 Enterprise using 2048-bit RSA public-key WPA/WPA2 Personal using 63-character Passphrase
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1 answer

How exactly does 4-way handshake cracking work?

From my understanding this is how WPA2 works for home networks: PSK (Pre-Shared Key) is used to generate PMK (Pairwise Master Key), which is used together with ANonce (AP Nonce) to create PTK (Pairwise Transient Key). PTK is devided into KCK (Key…
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3 answers

Four-way Handshake in WPA-Personal (WPA-PSK)

Can someone explain to me in what consists the Four-way Handshake in WPA-Personal (WPA with Pre-Shared Key), which informations are being sent between AP and client, how is it possible to find the AP Pre-Shared Key from these informations after we…
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