What is the best home wireless network encryption algorithm to use? I realize the best answer will probably change over time, and hopefully people can provide updated answers as new standards come out. So far, my knowledge, as of early 2015 is:
- WEP - Horrible / outdated, but still a bit better than nothing (or may even be worse than nothing because it provides a false sense of security as pointed out below).
- WPA - Provides some security, but probably better to go with WPA2.
- WPA2 - Pretty good (especially with AES encryption), but still not perfect. It is the best I know though for a home network.
Are there any better encryption standards to use than WPA2 for a home wireless network, or is that the best there is? If it is the best there is, is it easy to hack?
If it is true as others indicate that WPA-2 is not adequate, and nothing better exists, it seems like it would be a good idea, perhaps even a good money making opportunity for someone to develop something better!
Edit (July 1, 2019): WPA3 is now a better option than WPA2.