Questions tagged [unix]

Unix is a family of multiuser, multitasking operating system that is widely used in workstations, servers and embedded devices. The best-known Unix variant is Linux.

Unix is a family of multiuser, multitasking operating systems found on many servers, workstations, network equipment and other embedded devices. Unix variants include , , , , and more. Use the tag for questions that are about Unix-like systems in general; if your question is about a specific operating system (Linux, OpenBSD, …), use the tag for that system. For functional questions (“How do I use this tool which is not specifically a security tool?”), try asking on our sister site Unix & Linux.

In the core Unix security model, roles are described in terms of users (who are typically either physical users or system services) and groups. The permissions of an application are those of the user executing it. Some programs run with elevated privileges through the setuid/setgid mechanism.

Resources such as data files, programs and devices are accessed through files. In the traditional Unix model, each file has an owner and group, and the owner, group and others are granted separate permissions (read/write/execute). Many modern Unix systems provide access control lists and other extensions to the basic model.

151 questions
2 answers

How is the available entropy in /dev/random calculated (or estimated)?

It seems (to a non-expert) that /dev/random is acclaimed to be useable as a source of pure random data. However, I am curious as to the analysis of the file /dev/random. /dev/random is a collection point of noisy data from hardware. The file is…
Jonathan Gallagher
2 answers

What are the dangers of storing webserver temp files in the /tmp/ folder?

I have configured my first publicly accessible nginx server. I have configured it to use a /tmp/nginx folder to store temp files. This includes the body of http requests, proxy files etc. The /tmp folder is on external partition with nosuid,…
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3 answers

Shellshock Bash bug on mobile systems

Does the bug in Bash affect Android or iOS mobile systems?
3 answers

Is it insecure to have an SSH server on a workstation?

I know one systems administrator who runs SSH Server on his workstation to push files to it and check things from a phone but I think it is a bad idea for several reasons: An operations workstation is a sweet spot for the adversary. Once she is in,…
1 answer

Unix command to generate cryptographically secure random string

Is the following Unix command cryptographically secure to randomly generate 20 characters (a-zA-Z0-9 only)? dd if=/dev/urandom bs=256 count=1 2> /dev/null | LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9' | head -c20 Is there a better or more secure way to go about…
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What prevents this exploit from working (unix SUID)?

If I have a user on a unix system where Im allowed to create new files, what prevents me from downloading an executable file onto that system which is already SUID'ed to root on a different system? Scenario: I'm logged into a shell with my user…
Chris Dale
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4 answers

Does UNIX have a dual approval mechanism?

Sudo and logging is used to keep administrators accountable. But is there a command/configuration that lets you enforce a dual approval type control such as the the "Two Person Concept"? (eg. Two authorised individuals are required to launch an…
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1 answer

What is your default umask set to?

What is your default umask set to? Did you run into any problem setting a stricter default umask?
Olivier Lalonde
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3 answers

MSFConsole/Kali Linux - gain root access to unix system

I am messing around with Kali Linux, MSFConsole and DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web Application). I have successfully been able to get into the system (Raspberry Pi) by creating a PHP backdoor and uploaded it via SQL injection. Now I have access the…
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1 answer

Is symlink race a very common vulnerability in UNIX systems

As far as I know, when I am creating a new file or directory in a directory that can be written by multiple users (and thus an adversary can have made a symlink there), the only way to protect myself from symlink race is creating a file with enough…
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7 answers

Is it wrong to root login with SSH?

I've long been under the impression that with unix, you should never login as root. Now I've started using Virtual Private Servers over at DigitalOcean, and some advice is to use SSH keys to login as root. This makes sense to me but I feel uneasy,…
Jake Rayson
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1 answer

How Homebrew may impact your Mac's security

I read (here and here) that Homebrew (the Unix package manager) is a significant Mac security risk. An attack is allowed because Homebrew makes /usr/local/bin writable without root user privilege, which allows another Homebrew process to write a…
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1 answer

How can utilities with setuid set to root be secure if they are debuggable?

Today I heard at Uni something that broke my mental model about separation of users' rights. Namely, I heard that: I can freely debug all programs I have the permission to run, even those that have setuid set to root. That means I can, for…
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4 answers

SHA-512 unix passwords. How secure are those hashes, really?

I came across this very alarming sounding thread which indicates a GPU with about half the compute capacity of the GPU currently powering the monitor I type this on is capable of 11.5k c/s. I'm not sure what a c is in this jargon. Does it stand for…
Steven Lu
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2 answers

Where can I “hide” easter eggs for students learning about Linux security?

I feel like this isn't the best place to ask this (since there's no single right answer), but I can't think of a better place. If you have a better recommendation, could you please recommend it and I can move the question rather than just having it…
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