Questions tagged [unix]

Unix is a family of multiuser, multitasking operating system that is widely used in workstations, servers and embedded devices. The best-known Unix variant is Linux.

Unix is a family of multiuser, multitasking operating systems found on many servers, workstations, network equipment and other embedded devices. Unix variants include , , , , and more. Use the tag for questions that are about Unix-like systems in general; if your question is about a specific operating system (Linux, OpenBSD, …), use the tag for that system. For functional questions (“How do I use this tool which is not specifically a security tool?”), try asking on our sister site Unix & Linux.

In the core Unix security model, roles are described in terms of users (who are typically either physical users or system services) and groups. The permissions of an application are those of the user executing it. Some programs run with elevated privileges through the setuid/setgid mechanism.

Resources such as data files, programs and devices are accessed through files. In the traditional Unix model, each file has an owner and group, and the owner, group and others are granted separate permissions (read/write/execute). Many modern Unix systems provide access control lists and other extensions to the basic model.

151 questions
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Detecting port scans in OSX kernel

Is it possible to detect port scans on OSX at the kernel level? I would like to write a kext that detects the ip addresses of systems scanning my computers ports. How exactly does a stealth scan work? Doesn't the kernel get notified when a port is…
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Given an IP address can you ssh into /tmp without password?

I'm a Software Engineer, but I have no experience in security, so i'm trying to learn by doing (woot Experiential learning!). I know that the permission settings on the tmp folder are very relaxed. If I have an IP address of a server/computer can i…
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Creative vulnerabilities in unix eval command

I'm reading through past exams for an information security subject and I came across this. #!/bin/sh #applications launcher X=$1 eval "$X" "Do you think the program is vulnerable to attacks? Explain the reason for your answer with an…
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Identity theft from ubuntu machine?

Recently my debit card information went to another hand, and he/she started to using it until my bank reports that there is an overdraft. I use Ubuntu 14.04 machine. I am sure I am not a victim of phishing, or email-scam. But I sometime use debit…
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3 answers

Would FreeBSD and OpenBSD have similar known-past-vulnerability stats if they were configured similarly?

OpenBSD has had much fewer "code execution" vulnerabilities and even fewer exploits than FreeBSD, according to…
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Using ATA Secure Erase after buying a second-hand laptop : is this enough?

I bought a second-hand laptop from a stranger. My (totally unjustified) concern is that there might be malware on the device. According to this answer, there is no easy fix if it's malicious firmware. I don't know how easy it is to implant malicious…
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Pwnable: Process has its own home directory

I recently started to do the challenges. I have no problem understanding the actual buffer-overflow and shellcode injection. However, after the shell is spawned, the flag is read from /home/start/flag (with "start" being the name of the…
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set-guid exploit of a program with relative path

I'm trying to exploit a program which has the set-guid bit enabled. The program is simple it contains the following (stage.c): #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { …
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Block external http calls

I want to run many snippets of untrusted and unknown code on an Ubuntu machine hosted on Digital Ocean. For safety reasons, I would like to record and block any external calls made by any of the code snippets. I'm sure this is a very basic question…
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Security of Linux/Unix user information

Linux (and Unix) users can store in /etc/passwd not only the usual parameters (username, home directory, default shell, ...) but also: their names and surnames, addresses, phone numbers, etc.. In some Linux distributions, finger user1 can provide…
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it is possible to make a copy of an iPhone?

Is it possible to make a copy (an image like iso or img) of an iPhone supposing that we can only connect it to a computer? Can I use the dd command to do this? Are any alternative ways to a clone an iPhone ?
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Can environment variables created for a unix account be viewable by another account?

If I run a program that accepts configs from environment variables under non-privileged user userA; can a user with root access read those environment varibles ?
Bon Ami
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2 answers

How secure is it to use secret directory names to share files on unix?

There is an old trick on unix systems to allow a non-root user to "securely" share files with particular other users. mkdir share chmod 711 share #others can traverse share, but can't list its contents mkdir…
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Are path traversals attacks possible with invalid directories between?

Let's say I can control the variable $path and the full path is generated as follows: $full_path = "./valid_dir/docs/" . trim($path) ; readfile($full_path) ; where docs a non existent dir in the path. Is it still possible ,with some trick perhaps…
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Pentesting - is there a way to check file permissions on linux remotely - KALI

I'm trying to modify a PHP file through a plugin on wordpress. Everything goes well, but I had to modify the permissions to 666 manually via terminal on the victim's machine, cause even when I'm trying to change this file through the admin panel, it…
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