Questions tagged [unix]

Unix is a family of multiuser, multitasking operating system that is widely used in workstations, servers and embedded devices. The best-known Unix variant is Linux.

Unix is a family of multiuser, multitasking operating systems found on many servers, workstations, network equipment and other embedded devices. Unix variants include , , , , and more. Use the tag for questions that are about Unix-like systems in general; if your question is about a specific operating system (Linux, OpenBSD, …), use the tag for that system. For functional questions (“How do I use this tool which is not specifically a security tool?”), try asking on our sister site Unix & Linux.

In the core Unix security model, roles are described in terms of users (who are typically either physical users or system services) and groups. The permissions of an application are those of the user executing it. Some programs run with elevated privileges through the setuid/setgid mechanism.

Resources such as data files, programs and devices are accessed through files. In the traditional Unix model, each file has an owner and group, and the owner, group and others are granted separate permissions (read/write/execute). Many modern Unix systems provide access control lists and other extensions to the basic model.

151 questions
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Is it safe to attach a potentially malicious hard drive to a Solaris machine?

We bring in hard drives from un-trusted sources and would like to ensure that they will not contain any harmful content. What kind of risk is there for Solaris? As in, if Solaris is running, and I attach a drive, I would run format and then check…
700 Software
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What output can a program, when executed from a command line, output to generate behavior that is a vulnerability on the terminal emulator?

Reading this post, titled "Fixing Unix/Linux/POSIX filenames", I came across a VERY interesting phrase by the author, which says: Oh, and don’t display filenames. Filenames could contain control characters that control the terminal (and X-windows),…
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What is the easiest way to sandbox an application in a *NIX environment?

I have a significant number of untrusted binary applications that need to be executed on a *nix box. I'm hoping that there might be some simple command/script (e.g. sandbox ./app1953) that could easily be used to isolate a single application from…
Stack Tracer
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Security of o=rwx with classical Unix permissions

Is it in anyway insecure to go o=rw or o=rwx on files and directories confined to directories that are marked o=? In other words, given private (g=,o=) home directory, is it perfectly safe to write everything with o=rw or o=rwx as long as all those…
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1 answer

Why require root to be the first entry in /etc/passwd?

Security policies sometimes demand that root be the first entry in the /etc/passwd file. Is there a valid reason for requiring this, or is it just conventional to do so since the root account is the first one created? I understand that some places…
Mike McManus
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How is the password prompt going to protect me from ruining my computer?

On Unix based systems, I'm often prompted to enter my password before installing or running a program. Why does this protect me? If I'm running a kiosk, I understand that a password might prevent someone else from messing with my computer. However,…
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How a malware executes remote payload

Let's assume a malware was installed (on a UNIX-based platform) with some social engineering tricks. The original installed code itself may be benign, but the only malicious activity is that the malware connects to a C&C server and retrieves some…
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`rsync -K`-based exploit

In the description of the -K (--keep-dirlinks) flag, the rsync man page gives this warning (my emphasis): One note of caution: if you use --keep-dirlinks, you must trust all the symlinks in the copy! If it is possible for an untrusted user to…
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what does it mean to be setuid root?

I am reading Tanenbaum's Modern Operating Systems 3e. He says "Suppose that the program being attacked [with malicious code] is SETUID root in UNIX (or has Administrator power in Windows). The [malicious code inserted with a buffer overflow attack]…
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2 answers

Can you describe a real-life scenario of exploiting sticky bits?

Sticky bit are mentioned in every UNIX security book, but I couldn't find anyone that describes the exploitation of Sticky Bit set on a file. Can you?
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What is the meaning of the term "simple string" for the SALT string in Unix crypt using SHA-256 and SHA-512?

In Unix crypt using SHA-256 and SHA-512 the author, Ulrich Drepper, introduces the SALT string as the following (highlight by me): For the SHA-based methods the SALT string can be a simple string of which up to 16 characters are used. What is…
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1 answer

OpenBSD-based LiveCD/LiveDVD - is it secure? is it offical?

Does the OpenBSD LiveCD/LiveDVD get deeply audited like the original OpenBSD? Is it an official "port"? Experiences with it?
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1 answer

Is it safe to use a unix pipe to redirect sensitive output data as input to another program?

I want to make a Node.js development server use HTTPS by giving it access to the contents of a TLS certificate and private key file. On the one hand, I don't like the idea of making the TLS private key file readable by anyone other than root. On the…
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3 answers

Could browsers improve security of stored passwords by using setuid?

On Unix-esque systems, Mozilla Firefox stores a users' preferences, web history and stored passwords in a set of files that are readible and writeable by that particular user. This makes sense: when the user bob is running Firefox, these files need…
5 answers

Unix Privilege Escalation: "sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set"

It seems protections are harcoded into sudo that prevent the binary from executing as a low-privileged user. Running it in Ubuntu as a normal user returns the following error: "sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set" Maybe this is…
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