Adilson de Almeida Jr


Specialized in Microsoft technologies, currently working with ASP.Net, MVC, C#, SQL Server and web technologies. In the past, I have worked with VB, Classic ASP, Interbase and Office solutions.

On the last years I specialized in develop RIAs and SPAs, using a wide range of client side technologies. I prefer Knockout over Angular, TypeScript over CoffeScript, LESS over SASS.

I have some experience with AWS but have been working with Microsoft Azure both PaaS and IaaS.

Other tecnologies I have interest, and some experience are:

  • Redis
  • MongoDB
  • MemCache
  • LightTPD
  • Apache
  • Java

My hobbies are all those of a common geek: Footbal (or soccer if you prefer), Rock 'n roll and music at all and automobilism.
