Questions tagged [ssd]

A solid-state drive (SSD, also known as a solid-state disk although it contains neither an actual disk nor a drive motor to spin a disk) is a solid-state storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data persistently.

85 questions
1 answer

Can you infect a SSD firmware with malware?

Are the updates signed? Or can anyone make a piece of software to do this?
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Can ransomware impact SSD drives?

I was watching this DefCon talking about Solid State Drives (SSDs) destroying forensic and data recovery jobs. It was interesting to note, that the speaker did acknowledge that it is unknown how long deleted files will remain recoverable for. I have…
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Does an SSD store software-encrypted data in unencrypted form somewhere?

I use LUKS encryption on my entire drive. Do SSD drives ship with any storage areas which store unencrypted data, even though the data is saved encrypted on user-available SSD storage? Maybe inside the over-provisioning area, the DCO (Device…
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NVMe Self Encrypting Drive - How to use ATA Security?

I own a Samsung 980 Pro which, according to its own specification, supports Class 0, TCG/Opal 2.0 and IEEE16667. Since it's an NVMe drive, I cannot use hdparm in order to set up class 0 encryption but the UEFI of my Dell Notebook does. I am aware of…
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0 answers

Is it possible to assess the integrity of an SSD's firmware using SMART results or drive details?

I recently bought a used SanDisk SSD and I am curious to know if there is any way to assess the integrity of its firmware using information such as SMART or drive details. In addition to SMART information, SanDisk Dashboard application also displays…
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ATA Enhanced Secure Erase - why is everything 0?

I was erasing a SSD with ATA secure erase and thought about the following: When enhanced secure erase is performed on a SSD or NVMe which supports this operation, the master key which is used to encrypt all data is erased and newly generated, so…
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SSD supports hardware AES encrytion. hdparm does not report a "Security" section. Should I be concerned?

Note that this is a different case from similar question asked 7 years ago, here: hparm -I /dev/sda does not report a Security section - should I be concerned? In my case the SSD (part number: ct2000mx500ssd1) should support hardware AES encryption…
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2 answers

If an SSD uses TRIM, is there any reason to destroy it physically to protect one's data?

If an SSD uses TRIM such as a Mac with TRIM support when it deletes files, I've been told that it is completely unrecoverable. Therefore, is it ever really better protection to physically destroy the SSD to protect one's data?
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3 answers

Reccomended way to securely erase SSD storage of a smartphone?

As far as what I understand there are different approaches and I have a few doubts regarding each of them: On the one hand, it seems that factory reset does not securely erase itself data from SSD storage for certain operating systems and devices.…
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1 answer

Securely erase firmware secret key

I have an SSD with the option (with ATA-commands) to erase the firmware for security reasons. In the firmware flash cells, the secret key is stored for encrypting the data on the fly. When I ask the vendor how it is deleted, they tell me it is…
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1 answer

Can I recover files that I had on windows from a SSD that I converted to apfs (mac) and which method or tool to use?

I had some files that I want to recover from windows, but I formatted the ssd drive to macos (apfs)? Is there a tool or method to recover those files?
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What degree of physical destruction is sufficient to ensure an SSD is not readable?

My organization has upgraded a few printers and decommissioned the internal SSD hard drives by passing the memory chips through a band saw, cutting each chip into halves, and in some cases tearing whole sections loose from the greenboard. These…
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Can file recovery tools recover deleted small files from SSD drive's NTFS Master File Table?

According to this page and site, small files are kept in Master File Table when filesystem is NTFS. Let's assume that computer is using Windows 10 and a SSD drive with TRIM support. If a user manually deletes a file smaller than 1kb from ssd will…
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3 answers

How sufficient are these steps to prevent deleted SSD files from being recovered?

I'm selling a 4-year-old Dell PC with Windows 10 and two SSDs and I want to be sure that nobody can recover anything from my personal deleted files. So far I've done the following. Completely Bitlocker encrypt both disks, including unused space. …
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1 answer

Is Opal-based full disk encryption fully working for Linux?

I'd like to know to manage the password purely via the BIOS and not need to run any utility e.g. sedutil.