Questions tagged [ssd]

A solid-state drive (SSD, also known as a solid-state disk although it contains neither an actual disk nor a drive motor to spin a disk) is a solid-state storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data persistently.

85 questions
1 answer

What's the DRAT word of my SSD?

This article on says the following about Deterministic Read After TRIM (emphasis mine): As a result, the data returned by SSD drives supporting DRAT as opposed to DZAT can be all zeroes or other words of data, or it could be the…
Matthias Braun
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4 answers

How to physically destroy an SSD at home?

SSDs seem to be notoriously tricky to properly erase (see for example this question and answers here). An easier and potentially safer solution could be to physically destroy the SSD device. I am looking for a way to physically destroy an SSD device…
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1 answer

Does full disk encryption offer mitigation in the case of the firmware of an SSD being compromised?

Suppose the firmware of an SSD or HDD has been compromised by rogue actors either through "interdiction" (interception) or via the internet. They are able to exfiltrate data and conduct surveillance at will without my knowledge. Can I mitigate the…
2 answers

Is it secure to wipe a file in a Virtualbox disk if the vbox disk file is on an ssd?

Preface I searched for an answer to my question and found related questions which do not cover my question completely. Like: On SSD deleting: Can Widped SSD Data be recovered How to securely delete inside Virtual Machine The second question gets…
Uwe Hafner
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1 answer

Best current methods for preventing data leakage from SSD

I'm wondering about the current best practices for ensuring data confidentiality on an SSD used as an OS boot drive (under Linux). Important considerations are: Ensures against data leakage in the usual conditions (stolen drive, &c.; protection of…
Tom Hunt
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1 answer

How BIOS password stored internally?

Is password hashed before saving to CMOS? Which hash algorithm is used? How much storage is dedicated for passwords? What is about passwords of SSD with AES? Does BIOS save it inside drive (just pass it to device for further processing)?
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1 answer

Enabling SED for SSD and data remanence

I have an SSD that can do self-encryption, but the encryption was not activated. The SSD has data on it, and now I want to enable the self-encryption functionality, preferably doing it in-place. I want to know what will happen to the data on the…
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1 answer

Password managers and SSD wear and tear

I've been looking at this topic for a long time, and am still paranoid about this. I have an 1 TB SSD with Ubuntu 16.04 on it. From what I have read, using disk encryption is bad for an SSD due to wear and tear etc. What about encryption of any kind…
2 answers

How are SSDs different from HDDs from the privacy point of view?

How are SSDs different from HDDs from the privacy point of view? Is it easier or harder to recover traces of deleted and/or wiped (overwritten) files from an SSD than from a HDD?
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1 answer

Veracrypt system encryption on SSD, do I have to trim the disk right after finishing? How?

I want to encrypt my OS that is on an SSD (Windows 7, x64, mbr partition style). From what I know Veracrypt will encrypt the whole disk, not only the actual data. Not only! it will "fill" the empty space (inside the decrypted disk) with random data…
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1 answer

Remove malicious rootkits and spyware from HDDs and SSDs

I have read at least twenty articles dating from the time Edward Snowden's startling revelations about rogue nations and bad actors embedding malicious rootkits and spyware in the firmware of hard disk drives and solid state drives. What they did…
1 answer

Is SSD encryption useless on data already present?

The reason I ask this question, is that presumably when contents on an SSD are encrypted, the unencrypted data is overwritten with its encrypted version. This study tells us that overwritten data can still be recovered. Such being the case, if an…
2 answers

How do I verify that my FDE/SED Opal SSD is indeed encrypted

... preferably without having to remove the drive from the laptop? I'd like to explicitly test that data is indeed encrypted at rest on my SSD but can't think of a way; eg: even if boot my laptop off a Linux USB key without entering the hard disk…
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1 answer

Is scrubbing a ssd drive effective in situations where you can't use the trim command?

I have a luks encrypted external usb ssd drive (Samsung T3) which is unable to use the trim command. This leaves me to search for a different way to securely erase the free space inside the encrypted ssd drive. With photorec I was able to…
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2 answers

ATA Secure Erase is too fast

I have two SSDs in my laptop. one is SATA 500GB and the other is M.2 SATA 250 GB. I used the following steps for both to securly erase them so that I can sell the laptop: unfreeze the drives: sudo systemctl suspend Set a User Password: hdparm…
j doe
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