Questions tagged [trim]

12 questions
1 answer

Does the ATA Trim command irrecoverably delete data on an SSD?

I occasionally see people reference the difficulty of deleting data from an Solid State Disk. Because of the nature of SSDs (wear leveling, etc), simply writing to the same sector of the disk doesn't guarantee that it's deleted. But modern…
Steve Sether
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Does formatting an SSD securely delete all data?

This article on states: Because an ATA trim will be performed by NTFS with Windows 7 or when formatting using Ext4 from mke2fs 1.41.10 or XFS from xfsprogs 3.1.0, the secure erase procedure is no longer necessary [...]. From my…
Matthias Braun
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1 answer

Data recovery from TRIMmed SSDs

Assuming a given SSD supports TRIM, and is on a physical bus that supports sending that command, and the connected computer is running an OS that is aware of TRIM: If the drive is formatted, or has had its files erased, will the data be…
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Veracrypt system encryption on SSD, do I have to trim the disk right after finishing? How?

I want to encrypt my OS that is on an SSD (Windows 7, x64, mbr partition style). From what I know Veracrypt will encrypt the whole disk, not only the actual data. Not only! it will "fill" the empty space (inside the decrypted disk) with random data…
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Is scrubbing a ssd drive effective in situations where you can't use the trim command?

I have a luks encrypted external usb ssd drive (Samsung T3) which is unable to use the trim command. This leaves me to search for a different way to securely erase the free space inside the encrypted ssd drive. With photorec I was able to…
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Veracrypt SSD encryption security analysis vs HDD

I have a SSD and wanted to use Veracrypt for plausible deniability and protection against any & all level attacks e.g. state sponsored, non sponsored. My goal was to use a VM and place it in the hidden VC container. After further research it seems…
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Is it possible to recover data from a Western Digital TRIM supporting disks (not SSD) after quick format?

I have a western digital blue disk, which is one of the SMR variations. I've heard that they support TRIM command. The disk is accidentally quick formatted on Windows 10, and now seems to be all zero. But, I'm wondering, for a disk it would take…
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Data wiping. SSD VS eMMC how are they the same and how are they different?

looking into how to properly erasing data from solid state devices is quite the topic with a different answer from just about every webpage I read. I understand there are issues with wiping data from SSDs due to the efforts of wear leveling, but now…
2 answers

If an SSD uses TRIM, is there any reason to destroy it physically to protect one's data?

If an SSD uses TRIM such as a Mac with TRIM support when it deletes files, I've been told that it is completely unrecoverable. Therefore, is it ever really better protection to physically destroy the SSD to protect one's data?
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Can file recovery tools recover deleted small files from SSD drive's NTFS Master File Table?

According to this page and site, small files are kept in Master File Table when filesystem is NTFS. Let's assume that computer is using Windows 10 and a SSD drive with TRIM support. If a user manually deletes a file smaller than 1kb from ssd will…
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2 answers

How and what information does TRIM reveal when using encrypted Veracrypt volumes?

According to Veracrypt's documentation,TRIM operations can reveal unencrypted zeroes or other undefined data (unencrypted). Additionally it notes that; In those cases, the adversary will be able to tell which sectors contain free space (and may…
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When is garbage collection activated on my Samsung T3 external usb SSD drive?

The trim command is unsupported on my Samsung T3 external usb ssd drive. I would like to know when and under what conditions the internal garbage collection is activated so it purges deleted files on the drive.
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