Questions tagged [ssd]

A solid-state drive (SSD, also known as a solid-state disk although it contains neither an actual disk nor a drive motor to spin a disk) is a solid-state storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data persistently.

85 questions
1 answer

Check TRIM space on SSD

Is it possible to 'view' the space that TRIM would take care of to see if that space was really wiped? I am using both Windows and Linux.
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1 answer

Secure erase partition only on SSD, not the whole thing

I have a 512 SSD which is partitioned into essentially two 256 areas. One for Windows, the other for Linux (Ubuntu). Neither is encrypted. I want to clean my system up, but am only concerned about the linux partition. I understand you can not…
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1 answer

OPAL SSD full-disk encryption and key generation

So modern solid-state drives often support OPAL standard for full-disk encryption. If I understand correctly, it uses a user password to encrypt a key which is then in turn used to encrypt content of the drive. But my question is how is this…
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2 answers

Is using video editing software to fill SSD with junk video secure?

I'm about to sell an old 128GB external SSD, and I've read various guides saying it's difficult to be sure that data is erased when using traditional zero-fills etc. I'm on Mac OSx, and I got the idea to use Final Cut Pro X to generate very large…
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1 answer

Integrity of an SSD forensic image

Is there any solution to validate the integrity of an SSD image? If I know well in case of SSD low level disk maintenance stuff such as wear leveling is performed inside the drive in order to maximize its lifetime regardless of the use of a write…
1 answer

ThinkShield secure wipe - SSD does it forbid data recovering?

I have to give my computer back to my boss. I want to delete all the data from my SSD. I found "ThinkShield secure wipe" which is implemented in the BIOS apparently. It gives me two options: ATA Secure Erase method or ATA Cryptographic Key…
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Can SD cards on mobile phones and tablets truly be erased?

When performing a factory reset on Android devices, it is my understanding that the pointers to the data located in the SD card are simply erased while the data itself remains intact, waiting for future overwriting. However, I have recently come…
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1 answer

How can I wipe an infected SSD

Recently my PC fell subject to some malware. The malware is hidden and all the antivirus software can't find/detect it. The things it has done so far is spyware like, it disabled System Restore from the cloud forcing me to do a local reinstall,…
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1 answer

Veracrypt SSD encryption security analysis vs HDD

I have a SSD and wanted to use Veracrypt for plausible deniability and protection against any & all level attacks e.g. state sponsored, non sponsored. My goal was to use a VM and place it in the hidden VC container. After further research it seems…
1 answer

If I re-install an encrypted version of Ubuntu on my laptop and fill my entire SSD up with a large .txt file, does this securely wipe the SSD?

I'm looking for an easy way to securely wipe the SSD of my Ubuntu machine. As I'm using a fairly new Dell XPS 13 and am quite a noob with Ubuntu I don't want to use any fancy commands, that might brick my machine. This is why I thought I could just…
1 answer

Can M.2 docking stations be used to make forensic images of (Bitlocker encrypted) M.2 disks?

I am looking into M.2 docking stations such as the Maiwo K3016S as shown below. Is it possible to use such docking stations optionally in combination with a USB- or software write-blocker, in order to make forensic images of (Bitlocker encrypted)…
Bob Ortiz
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2 answers

How can one encrypt a file and be sure the original file can not be recovered on a SSD?

Let's say that I have an unencrypted file and I'm trying to encrypt it and make sure the original file can not be recovered from my disk. If I, for example, create an archive, put the file into it and encrypt the archive it seems pretty obvious that…
0 answers

Secure deletion on Android

My understanding is if I delete photo001.jpg, this deletes the index and assigns it to the free space to be overwritten. So this brings me onto my next scenarios. If I have a device capable of 8gb memory, and it has been filled to its capacity, is…
2 answers

How to securely erase the free space on an SSD in windows 10?

I would like to wipe ALL free space on my SSD which Windows 10 is installed on, so that no previously deleted file can be recovered. How can I achieve this?
Lost Crotchet
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