Radio Frequency identification
Questions tagged [rfid]
93 questions
4 answers
How can RFID/NFC tags not be cloned when they are passive technology?
Everywhere a question like this is asked, I see people responding that (in a scenario where a card is used) the card does some processing with the data it receives/generates some data when it receives a signal. How is this possible without…

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4 answers
Can a student ID containing an NFC chip be cloned?
The head of our IT department and Networking class in my college has given me and another student a challenge; he told us that if we could clone the NFC tags in our student ID's used to sign in on time, he would give one of us unlimited access to…

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10 answers
Can a steel woven wallet prevent RFID scanning of credit card information?
According to the Popular Mechanics article RFID Credit Cards and Theft: Tech Clinic, the fact that many new credit/debit cards have a RFID chip embedded on it, there is a risk (albeit, small according to the article) that the card would be 'skimmed'…
4 answers
Is Visa PayWave secure?
Recently (well, a few months or even a year ago), my bank, here in Australia, introduced this PayWave technology to their Visa debit cards. They claim it's secure, but all they talk about is their policies, which requires you to notice that there's…

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3 answers
Is it possible to clone an RFID/NFC card using a simple RFID reader, for future reuse and impersonation?
RFID/NFC technology is used in credit cards and many other personal identification applications.
Is it possible/how easy is it to clone a card using a simple RFID reader?
In other words, can the retrieved information be reused in the future by the…

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5 answers
How to get into RFID auditing?
I would like to get more knowledge around RFID-systems auditing.
Does anyone have a basic guide step-by-step which I can use to set up a lab with proper RFID "sniffing" equipment?
I would like to know:
What equipment I need and where to get it…

Chris Dale
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2 answers
Reversing an entry card - How to find out what type of RFID hardware I need to read the chip?
I have an acccess/entry card chip I want to copy for demonstrational purposes. However I am not sure how I can find out what type of RFID reader I need to get a hold of.
Does anyone have a suggestion how I can figure out what type of chip it is and…

Chris Dale
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3 answers
How does Near Field Communication (NFC) compare to RFID technologies? Looking for a functional primer
I'm starting my independent studies in RFID and NFC and am trying to understand how they relate to each other, and what security issues are common/unique to each.
Is RFID a superset of NFC? (or vice versa?)
Is all RFID / NFC hardware the same? (my…

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1 answer
How do EMV contactless cards protect against replay attacks?
I understand that standard RFID cards are vulnerable to replay attacks however, how do smart cards which are also contactless protect against replay attacks? Is this decided by the chip or by the company which validates the payment?

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3 answers
Using RFID-only on door lock to house?
I'm thinking of equipping the door to my house with an RFID-reader and a custom arduino-like board to do the authentication.
My question is what is the recommended security level for a normal house (in Europe) lock? I'm thinking that i might need a…

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2 answers
Mifare DESfire EV1 cloning?
How can I clone an encrypted Mifare DESfire EV1 Card?
Tried a 13.56Mhz Reader/writer from eBay but didn't work properly... I need to find any possible way of doing this.

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1 answer
How to tell Mifare Plus from others?
How would one determine what version of Mifare a system is using, if one only has access to the fob?
For example:
From the product info this cheap blue fob can be used for any of the…

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1 answer
RFID blocker with a card
There is a company out there that developed a product which looks like a simple card ( format of a credit card or so ) and claims to block rfid-signals in a distance of 10mm. It is not a case to protect a card but rather card which you put over the…
3 answers
Are RFID shielding sleeves/wallets necessary for payment cards?
I have seen advertised several times now products that claim to "protect" contactless payment cards (e.g. special sleeves, wallets).
What exactly do these products protect against?
Is it just protecting against inadvertently using the wrong payment…

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4 answers
Do RFID key cards track the user through entry ways?
At work we use RFID tags to enter the building and each floor. The tags double as photo ID, I always wondered if they are used (or can be used) to keep track of staff movements.
I always assumed that they were tied to a staff ID when issued. But…

Jim Hardes
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