Questions tagged [rfid]

Radio Frequency identification

93 questions
4 answers

Are keys or RFID tags more secure access control solutions?

Just musing to myself, what is the preferable access control mechanism in high security environments? Locks and Keys or RFID tags? Going under the assumption that the locks/keys are not knoow to be pickable and that the RFID tags are not currently…
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1 answer

Motorola Human Authentication Pill/Vitamin Security?

This appears to be hot news today, Motorola announced a form of pill that a user can swallow which is activated and powered by stomach acids and transmits a signal back which can be used to authenticate a system via "an 18-bit signal". Is this some…
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Resources on security risks of NFC

Mobile phones are, increasingly, starting to support NFC. NFC can be used for a rich set of applications (including mobile payments, identity, and file sharing). What are primary security risks associated with NFC? Are there any research papers,…
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Privacy and security risks of Green Card scanning with or without offical RFID protection envelope

The presentation slides by Bishop Fox at RFID Hacking - Live Free or RFID Hard - 01 Aug 2013 – Black Hat USA 2013 – Las Vegas, NV briefly describes a number of RFID hacking approaches, and ends with a picture and statement about the sleeves that are…
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What is the current state of RFID / NFC security?

I'm attempting to do some RFID and NFC cloning and replaying research, as I'm hoping to be able to demo physical security as an attack vector to a few of out clients and prospects. The downside (ironically) is that from what I can tell, RFID and NFC…
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Security differences between Passive and Active RFID tags

Most people are aware there are two types of RFID tags, active tags (ones that contain a power source of some kind) and passive tags (ones that are powered by the RF field). I'd like to know if choosing one type or the other provides a security…
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2 answers

Can a SIM card be tracked without cell phone and battery?

I have a SIM card alone without cell phone and battery. Can it be be tracked?
priv8 s0cket
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1 answer

Why do DESFire and Mifare Plus cards offer a random UID feature?

Why do DESFire cards and Mifare Plus cards offer a Random UID feature? What risks should it mitigate or what features should it offer? Section in document: NXP Semiconductors N.V., Application note AN10927, MIFARE product and handling of UIDs,…
2 answers

What are the risk tradeoffs of all-in-one "smart" IDs vs. using a separate hardware authenticator?

In many organizations these days, employee IDs are very mutli-functional. They can serve as: Visual identitiy verification. (Including employee photo, name, ID number, and other details on the face) Building access control. (Via RFID, prox card,…
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Is it possible to clone an NFC/RFID chip that uses IsoDep, NfcA and NdefFormatable

I have an NFC/RFID keychain that looks pretty much like this one: When I read it with an Android app called "Nfc Reader", it shows me a specific ID (always the same) and it says that these technologies are used: IsoDep, NfcA, NdefFormatable Now I'm…
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How do (broadcast-only/passive) RFID licence plates assert their identity?

I would have guessed by some kind of challenge-response, but there seem to be many claims of 'passive' or 'broadcast-only' tags in the plates. For example from [...] the active e-Plate tag is broadcast-only…
R. Davids
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NXP NTAG 21x/Desfire password protection and Original signature, protects against cloning?

I saw a few threads about NFC NTAG against cloning and NTAG Desfire, I just want to find out if NTAG 21x with their "New" password protection and "Original Signature against cloning" really does provide the security against it(the cloning issue)? As…
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Approach to hack RFID Cards

Recently RFID cards 13.56Mhz band caught my eye. What is the step by step approach to hack RFID Cards? I have a rough idea, but there are still quite a few doubts. Identify the type of the card. Eg. Mifare Classic Questions: How do you identify…
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1 answer

How can I validate data on RFID chip that has RSA signatures and SHA1 hash values?

I have a RFID chip that has a digital signature using RSA and has data hashed using SHA1. I would like to compare data from the chip and user input in a program but I believe in order to do that I need the public key from the RFID (which I can get)…
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2 answers

How concerned should we be about RFID skimming?

I've heard/read several pentesting stories where the pentesters clone RFID badges. I've also seen some articles saying RFID skimming is a negligibly small problem. The RFID skimming I'm talking about is where someone walks up to you to skim your…
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