Questions tagged [public-key]

33 questions
3 answers

ssh and anonymity?

According to the man page, ssh by default sends multiple public keys from files in the ~/.ssh folder, one by one, until authentication success. Does that mean that the server side could know multiple (possibly all of) the client's public keys after…
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Ubuntu vs. Debian SSH public key login

In the Debian 9 server I have, these are the least restrictive permissions I can set for SSH login with public key to work: /home/user 775 /home/user/.ssh 775 /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys 644 Any…
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In asymmetric encryption, is there a meaningful difference between the public and the private key?

Is it possible to swap them, so that the public key is kept secret while the private key is public? Or do they actually function differently? Thinking specifically about DSA though I'm interested if there is a general answer.
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Create "bare" pgp private key / Make private key without being able to generate the public key from it

How do you create a private-key/public-key pair without the public key's information in the private key? So you should basically not be able to extract the public key from the private key. The private key should contain the bare minimum. If yes, is…
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Does my receiver have a public key for email encryption?

I'm using an email service with encryption option and I need to send an encrypted email. So if I need my letter to be sent encrypted, I need to take my receiver's public encryption key and apply it to my letter with an encryption function. The point…
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Difference between trust anchors and certificate authorities

Trust anchors and (root) certificates authorities are often used interchangeably and it's easy to think that they are the same thing. The answer in Can an intermediate CA be trusted like a self-signed root CA? contains some nice discussions about…
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When using gpg2 to verify Qubes, the pub is different

I'm trying to verify the fingerprint of the Qubes Master signing Key (QMSK) however, I've run into some inconsistent output. For example: Qubes Os website & web of trust shows after executing the following command: Gpg --fingerprint keyid The…
0 answers

decryption of message using private key

I don't why we can decrypt the message using our private key if it's encrypted using our public key. If a message is encrypted using my public key, then how can I decrypt it using my private key? It doesn't make sense at all. The only way it can do…
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Getting Smaller Output From Public Key Cryptography In PHP

I have a website in a shared hosting environment, and I'm also planning to back up in multiple locations. All of that introduces vulnerability where the data could get intercepted, stolen, or misused by authorized parties. The data isn't actively…
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Ways to encrypt data that will be available to specific clients

I want to store information on the blockchain, but some part of it is private and must be available to selected clients (for example, users who belong to a common company) How can this be done? The only thing that comes to my mind is to encrypt the…
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How does the inclusion of a subprime q value affect the Diffie Hellman equation for key exchange?

This is a follow on from this question: "Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange" in plain English In the answer to that question, the standard Diffie Hellman key exchange equation is derived: (g^a mod p)^b mod p = g^ab mod p (g^b mod p)^a mod p = g^ba mod…
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Enlighten Me Please Regarding PGP Encryption

I have somebody's public PGP key imported on my laptop (Debian Linux), but not their private key. When I encrypt a file to them using their public key, I can then decrypt it again even though I don't have their private key. Through…
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VPS host shows plain text "root" account password upon reinstall of unmanaged VM

I recently started using a VPS hosting service, that offers unmanaged VPS. It allows me to reinstall the VM at any point in time, choosing from a number of OS ISO files (doesn't have to be the same OS as before). You are probably already familiar…
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Host Keys in Public/Private Key Auth

I've chased my tail into a late night circle thinking about public key authentication to cloud instances. As such, I have some questions on the function of host keys when authenticating an SSH session. If I'm on machine B, and use ssh-keygen to…
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Best ways to store private keys on a client?

I am currently writing a program that sends an encrypted file to the client, and I don't want the user to be able to access the file directly (though the client program will operate on it). Since the client will be written in Java, which is prone to…