Questions tagged [nat]

Network Address Translation, or NAT, is a method of remapping an IP address from one IP space to another (for example the internet to your local 192.168.x address) by modifying the IP address information in the IP datagram while they're in transit.

Network Address Translation, or NAT, is a method of remapping an IP address from one IP space to another (for example the internet to your local 192.168.x address) by modifying the IP address information in the IP datagram while they're in transit.

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73 questions
1 answer

How does the website "" detect the LAN router IPaddress and the LAN device IP address as well as the WAN gateway router IP address?

The website can be used to resolve the public internet WAN IP address of a gateway router. However, it also shows the the private lan IP address of the gateway router and the private lan address of the device sending the…
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2 answers

How can you (anybody) find out the IP address of a single computer inside college

How can you find out the IP address of a single computer inside a college network. Every computer has the same public IP address on the network. How is it possible, after discovering that the IP is from that college, to find the computer from which…
1 answer

IPsec Transport Mode NAT Traversal Security Risks

The strongSwan FAQ states: NAT-Traversal with IPsec transport mode has some inherent security risks. What kind of security risks is the documentation referring to? (links to other resources are welcome too)
Jens Moser
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1 answer

Why do cellphones not use software to simulate a NAT router between the phone and the internet?

Connecting through wifi adds the benefit of being behind NAT. Why do cellphones not simulate being behind a nat network when connecting directly to the internet to limit the attack surface? Or, is there software that has implemented this?
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1 answer

How does malware get past NAT routers?

How does malware, like the software used to create the botnet that recently DDoS'd Dyn, get past NAT? On a computer, I can see the user can be tricked into downloading untrusted code, or browser vulnerabilities can be exploited. But on…
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2 answers

Scan a computer behind NAT

Network Address Translation resolve the problem of limited IPv4 by allocating one public IPv4. When a node inside the network want to send a packet to the internet a special port is generated that act as a NAT index in order to mark the node. In…
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3 answers

Is a router without inbound firewall a security issue across the internet?

Imagine this scenario: Alice has a private subnet ( connected to a router which is also connected to local network B. Alice's router performs NAT (only using MASQUERADE; outbound traffic will have the router as its source address),…
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2 answers

How to restrict access to the internet for some computers on the network?

I’d like to differentiate machines (or, possibly, users) on my small business network so that only some of them have access to the internet. The solution I’ve been using to this day is quite terrible: clients which should have access to the internet…
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2 answers

How can an attacker access a system with a private IP address?

I am confused about this concept if a public IP is assigned to my router and my system has private IP address, how an attacker can access my system or can use my system as a BOT. Its a common scenario when we click or download some malicious file…
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1 answer

Setting up NAT with firewall for RDP connection

I have a vendor who needs to connect remotely to one of our servers. What I thought I would do is setup a NAT rule in our firewall. I have a public IP address that I will have translated to the local server address so that then the vendor just needs…
1 answer

How dangerous is it to open my DNS server to the world?

I'm using pihole as my DNS on the LAN but I'm trying to use it as my "global" DNS server wherever I am on the planet. One solution is to use a VPN on my LAN and pihole being set as the default DNS for that VPN gateway. It's fine but it may not be…
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2 answers

Remote code execution over WAN

Say I am on a a computer behind a NAT and I want to execute an RCE exploit on another computer behind a different NAT(note that no ports are forwarded to the victim's computer on his/her NAT) Could I then run an exploit like this(assuming that I…
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1 answer

How to set up a beef hook on another VM's browser in a NAT Network in VirtualBox

I'm reading "Practical Web Penetration Testing". I'm using VirtualBox to run two VMs: Windows 7 with Mutillidae and KaliLinux where I want to use Beef. Both are connected to a Nat Network As it's said in the book, I set up the…
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2 answers

Why is NAT referred to as "the poor man's firewall"?

How exactly does NAT protect a network? How does it relate to a firewall?
Kellen Stuart
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2 answers

Using IPsec through NAT

I have read that it is recommended to encapsulate IPsec packets into UDP (port 4500) packets in order to circumvent NAT. Could anyone please provide a detailed explanation of the reasons behind this solution?
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