Questions tagged [nat]

Network Address Translation, or NAT, is a method of remapping an IP address from one IP space to another (for example the internet to your local 192.168.x address) by modifying the IP address information in the IP datagram while they're in transit.

Network Address Translation, or NAT, is a method of remapping an IP address from one IP space to another (for example the internet to your local 192.168.x address) by modifying the IP address information in the IP datagram while they're in transit.

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73 questions
0 answers

Nmap only detect virtual hosts and not physical hosts (maybe segmented network)

When my network settings is set to NAT and interface is eth0, this is the output of a simple nmap scan root@pc:~# nmap Starting Nmap 7.60 ( ) at 2018-03-04 18:47 EST Nmap scan report for Host is up…
Max Roatta
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1 answer

How to defend against attacker without affecting other users of same NAT gateway

I am implementing a web service and have a daemon process that notices repeated failed login attempts from any given source. If too many occur the IP address is blocked for a given time. This is similar to the fail2ban or (now deprecated) denyhosts…
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2 answers

how to block pop up with iptables

Although I have enabled the pop up blocker in firefox, there are many websites that are able to circumvent this feature. (for example movie streaming sites like My question is not really about how I can install some new pop up blocker,…
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1 answer

Port forwarding border router security

Few days ago I was asking where to place the OpenVPN Access Server to provide network conectivity to LAN resources for remote users. While looking at the admin guide one of the few options is "One Network Interface on Private Network Behind the…
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Detecting Router (NAT) via port scan

I am developing a simple port scanner using Python, Scapy, nmap module. I want to detect if the host which I apply the port scan is a router or not. How can I identify or guess if the host is a router?
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packets coming out of a 10.10 network with 192.168 source addresses

Since there are only a few different source addresses and they are all within valid subnets for the types of routers on our network (mostly netgear & mikrotik), I assume this means that this traffic is coming from local networks and not the routers…
0 answers

Metasploit to connect to a target behind NAT

During a pentest and I experienced a weird problem with connecting to the target machine which is behind a NAT network the scenario is basically, they have a public ip : and there are multiple machines within the network with IPs…
4 answers

Shouldn't we all be protected by NATing?

Because of NAT, almost all users now are accessing internet via private IPs, and that's happening whether the users are behind a simple home router, or a complex proxy server. So, and as I understand it, we have the followings: In case of Bind_TCP…
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How to access or scan a specific computer in a different network

I want to scan the ports of my neighbor's computer. I know the global IP address. However I can scan only the router, not the computer in the network. Is it possible to scan a computer in a different network just by knowing the router IP?
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4 answers

How to find public IP, if it replaced by NAT IP?

I designed a network architecture in cloud. I placed first IPS and then firewall (with Nat). I want to know if some attacks gone to internal networks which are not blocked by IPS. But I think these internal IP addresses were replaced by the Firewall…
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3 answers

Does NAT really provide security?

I had an argument with someone on IRC about Network Address Translation. I was under the impression that NAT provided a layer of security to internal networks. I understand that's not the primary purpose of NAT, nevertheless, I can't really see how…
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1 answer

Is NAT66 increasing security?

NAT is so standard for IPv4 that nobody thinks about it but for IPv6 it's considered a really bad option. (Article from APNIC) Of course there's the stateless NPTv6 and the firewall can be configured such that the clients don't get unwanted inbound…
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1 answer

IPv6 address leaking despite VPN?

Given that commands like ifconfig or ip address don't require root privileges, apps can access information about ip address. If you use ipv4, you are normally behind NAT and apps would get an address in the 192.168... range, which is not very…
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Internet connection issues with new cable broadband (100/10) service, intermittently able to reach neighbor's management interface at 192.168.x.x?

I'm unfamiliar with coax broadband provisioning specifics with new (100/10) service in a residential neighborhood, and intermittently getting Internet disconnections and interestingly discovered the ability to also intermittently reach a neighbors…
1 answer

Is enabling software flow-offloading in OpenWRT's firewall settings dangerous?

First of all, I did ask this on OpenWrt Forums already, I thought maybe someone here knows this. I noticed that my internet speed gets limited when this feature is not enabled, this feature is also marked as experimental, any clue what it actually…
Sir Muffington
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