Questions tagged [beef]

Browser Exploitation Framework Project

BeEF is a penetration testing tool that focuses on the web browser.

BeEF allows the professional penetration tester to assess the actual security posture of a target environment by using client-side attack vectors. BeEF looks past the hardened network perimeter and client system, and examines exploitability within the context of the one open door: the web browser.

BeEF will hook one or more web browsers and use them as beachheads for launching directed command modules and further attacks against the system from within the browser context. The framework allows the penetration tester to select specific modules (in real-time) to target each browser, and therefore each context.

BeEF Logo

Official site:

Github: BeEF Github

17 questions
4 answers

How does BeEF work? (working understanding)

I have recently come across the BeEF- a browser exploitation tool. In most of the articles, it is said time and again that it is developed for research and pen test purposes! Has anyone worked with this tool?(If so can you give a working…
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1 answer

Can BeEF hooking be stopped with Content Security Policies

I know that using strict values for default-src and scripts-src are a popular way to prevent (or at least limit the impact) of XSS attacks. But I was just wondering it CSPs can be used to stop attackers/pentesters from hooking browsers using the…
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1 answer

How does BeEF do a portscan and ping?

I'm wondering how can BeEF do a ping request, port scan or other things that heavily rely on interacting with lower levels of the operating system (OS)? I used to think that JavaScript cannot access OS functions and APIs. So, how does BeEF do…
Jeremy Mc
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1 answer

BeEF XSS - internal working

I am studying BeEf XSS as I think it is a very interesting tool for a penetration tester, but I have a couple of doubts about it, in particular when linking it to Cross Domain Request. So, in some way we are able to force the the user browser to…
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1 answer

Beef on Multiple Campaigns

I use the Autorun Rule Engine (ARE) in BEEF to run some some targeted modules upon being hooked and this works great, but how about if I want to run two separate campaigns? Those sent to webpage A get one set of Autorun Rules and those sent to…
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1 answer

XSS filter bypass to hook BeEF

I found a vulnerability on a website which allows me to trigger XSS. It's a very specific vulnerability, which is caused by a design-flaw. I want to write a PoC for them but I'm stuck at this step. The XSS-payload is not delivered through an URL,…
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1 answer

BeEF Server over VPN

Is it possible the run BeEF (Browser Exploitation Framework) on the WAN through a VPN? IF so, how would I modify to config.yaml file? I assume I would need to open some ports on my VPN service, however the service I use ( won't allow me…
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1 answer

Invalid beef hook id: the hooked browser cannot be found in the database?

So I've just installed beEF on my centOS server, but so far it hasn't been working on any page that's not in the same browser that I'm logged into. The beEF admin panel only works on the demo pages that are on the same IP address as the server. Can…
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1 answer

How to set up a beef hook on another VM's browser in a NAT Network in VirtualBox

I'm reading "Practical Web Penetration Testing". I'm using VirtualBox to run two VMs: Windows 7 with Mutillidae and KaliLinux where I want to use Beef. Both are connected to a Nat Network As it's said in the book, I set up the…
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1 answer

BeEF - What are the Indicators of Compromise (IOC)

If a phishing email came through with a link to a website hosting BeEF (or another such framework) what would be the Indicators of Compromise for such an attack. Additionally, if systems were compromised what would be the best strategy to mitigate…
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1 answer

Restriction to ui panel on BeEF+Bettercap generates error login

I'm not sure if I discovered a possible bug. I already reported to Bettercap's staff on their Bettercap's Github but as you can see on that link, it seems the problem is not on Bettercap's side. Maybe is a BeEF bug or I am missing something...…
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1 answer

Can BeEF also work in public?

Is it possible to run the tool called BeEF to do penetration testing on real domains like As far as I know, BeEF can only be used within localhost. I can only test my site for XSS on the real domain because of the database running.
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2 answers

Can antivirus software detect if your PC is hooked to BeEF?

I recently discovered BeEF with which someone can gain access to another PC through XSS. I was wondering if antivirus software can detect when a PC get's hooked to BeEF.. An online search doesn't give a clear answer. Am I safe from being hooked to…
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1 answer

Beef+ bettercap injection failure?

I am trying to inject beef's hook.js in browser on another pc on my local network. After starting beef and login to the UI I started bettercap in terminal and executed the following command: sudo bettercap --proxy-module injectjs --js-url…
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0 answers

How to reliably detect Browser Exploitation Attacks with BeEF and other JavaScript hooking packages?

"Unlike other security frameworks, BeEF looks past the hardened network perimeter and client system, and examines exploitability within the context of the one open door: the web browser. BeEF will hook one or more web browsers and use them as…