Questions tagged [file-system]

A file system is a way of organizing information on a storage device like a computer hard drive.

A file system is a way of organizing information on a storage device like a computer hard drive.

201 questions
1 answer

Extract SquashFS filesystem with shsq magic number

for a few days I was trying to extract the filesystem of a router firmware. Checking the image that the vendor provides I can see a SquashFS flag on it: DECIMAL HEX …
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5 answers

Prove that you deleted the file

Is it possible to prove a date that you Deleted a file through the recycle bin? I delete a folder of pictures 2 months ago and somebody is asking to prove that I did it.
David Allen
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1 answer

Linux access control policies sudoers

I'm learning about linux hardening and I'm creating a sudoers file. My idea is to separate things. There will be a user to see log files, another that can sudo to manage system processes, another for network managements, and so on and so forth. Is…
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Is native OpenZFS (on FreeBSD) block-level encryption secure?

I am considering using OpenZFS on FreeBSD. I am not quite sure how secure native OpenZFS encryption is? If somebody steals my server and the disks, is he able to decrypt the files? In a Discord room I found a possible answer: Native ZFS encryption…
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1 answer

Homebrew and NOPASSWD sudo

I like to be able to run some commands installed via Homebrew without typing my sudo password. The problem is that Homebrew installs everything with user permissions, so if I add the executables to sudo's NOPASSWD list (via user ALL = (ALL)…
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1 answer

Sanitising a file/folder path from user input

I have an external server make backups of my main server via scp and a backup-only user account. I successfully restricted it to scp only using GNU Rush. The scp command below executed on the backup server downloads /var/www/website1/file2 from the…
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0 answers

How to detect file or file system tampering

I would like to know if the following is possible: Is it possible to detect a file that has been put into my file system using back dating? Are there any trace artifacts left behind which can help to detect this sort of tampering? Is it possible to…
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5 answers

How to restrict flash drives in Local Area Network

It is prohibited to use USB drives at our office, due to security reasons. But some people still use them to steal information. It is now a great risk factor at our office. Now we need to ensure any one will not be able to use USB drive in our…
Md Mahbubur Rahman
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1 answer

Files on external drives executable by default with exFAT or NTFS under Ubuntu

On Ubuntu, if you use (external) drives formatted as exFAT or NTFS, i.e. not ext4 or something made for the UNIX world, you may end up with a situation where all files are executable. This is because the file systems may have other concepts of…
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1 answer

Risks of letting the browser open local/network file system listing

Browsers do not generally allow web pages to interact with client-side file system as a security measure. I would like to know what can go wrong with the following scenario: Clicking a special hyperlink in a browser opens a link specified folder in…
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1 answer

Can you construct a non-lossy steganographic filesystem

Recently I've been having a look at some interesting stenographic filesystems such as RubberhoseFS and StegFS. As far as I can see (at least in the case of StegFS) infeasibility of determining how many keys are used and how much content is encrypted…
Samuel Allan
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1 answer

Autopsy uncovering slack space of a file

I'm using Autopsy and need to recover a hidden password inside a slack space in another file. Autopsy shows that each sector for my disk is 512 bytes. The file starts at 4365 of the sector and the file is 677 bytes large. Calculating with 4365…
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2 answers

Privacy and File Uploading

Can websites see your computer's directory structure when you upload files through web forms (especially JavaScript)? If so, what are ways to avoid this when uploading?
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4 answers

Writing file shredder

I want to write a simple file shredder in c++, i.e. a program that deletes a file so that it is not recoverable. Would the following be a secure and correct way to do that? (1) Open the file with ofstream myfile; ("deleteme.txt",…
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3 answers

Do moved files leave a trace on the drive they created on?

I have created a word document on my computer, or any other file like txt, image, PSD etc. Now, I then take that file and move it to an external device, would that file leave a trace on the computer? Is it recoverable on the computer?
Aasim Azam
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