Questions tagged [file-system]

A file system is a way of organizing information on a storage device like a computer hard drive.

A file system is a way of organizing information on a storage device like a computer hard drive.

201 questions
3 answers

Security of different Filesystems

Are there any preferred filesystems that have some boni regarding security and confidentiality? Or does it really not matter if I, for example, encrypt a HDD with LUKS? As an example, I read that the ZFS file system has some good implementations…
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1 answer

Is it safe to include full filesystem paths in files published on Github?

Some of the configuration files I mean to publish as part of a Github project include full filesystem paths (including username login) in my localhost. Does this pose as a possible security vulnerability? For example in a configuration file I may…
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3 answers

Searching for files on unknown/proprietary filesystem

I am attempting to find any files or folders on an SD card. Currently I've been looking at it with Foremost, but with no success. I know for certain that the file-system on the SD card is non-standard one that is not publicly available/ I believe…
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3 answers

Theft of data via live boot disk

I have been working with live boot disks recently and I know that it gives you access to the computer's processing power, internet, and various other tasks without the hassle of a username/password. Is it possible to obtain files created in another…
Jon Valentine
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1 answer

Is there a solution that shows a prompt before mounting an USB drive?

Is there such thing as a prompt that asks for permission to mount an detected USB device? In order to prevent against physical attacks with USB devices. Like "A USB device is detected would you like to mount it? Allow/Deny?". Ultimately to also…
Bob Ortiz
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1 answer

Is rootkit detection by comparison of file, process and connection lists a good practice?

I'm currently reading the Blue Team Handbook and one of the recommended methods to detect rootkits is to compare technical data obtained from various sources. As I understood it this is practiced like this: Compare a list of all Files on a HDD…
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1 answer

How can I understand this extract, concerning basic heap overflow?

Unfortunately, I dont seem to understand one minor concept in the "Art of Exploitation" book, concerning heap overflow: a new root shell is being added to the passwd file. From page 168: However, the nature of this particular heap overflow exploit…
3 answers

How to protect data on your hard disk if it is in an unfriendly environment?

The essence of the problem as follows: There is a server located on the side of our company. There is a hardware client module, which is in a public place, which communicates with the server via a secure protocol. The client module contains the…
4 answers

Forensic analysis of file metadata

Suppose I have received a file (doesn't matter what it is - document, image, video, audio, etc). I know that the operating system and also programs that create the file like Office, and even hardware like digital cameras, etc. store a lot of…
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1 answer

Reading/Writing content of files - what can happen?

I'm setting up a simple system that is using an HTTP server which is writing incoming data to JSON files in a specific directory. This is functioning as a very simple pseudo-database. For simplicity, assume Java and no direct exploits on the server…
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3 answers

Limiting FTP privileges on Windows Server

I currently have a Windows 2012 Server which is acting as a webserver running IIS. I am using Filezilla to host an FTP server to allow some clients FTP access to their own websites. I have setup the FTP account with ease and they are able to access…
Jimmy Jane
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1 answer

Secure data by encrypting and rewriting on same file

I'm working on a project to Encrypt files using AES encryption with a key generated from SHA-256 from a keyword. My idea to claim this was to first : read all bytes from a file second : encrypt bytes third : write encrypted bytes on same file I had…
2 answers

What are hardened ACLs for the Windows %systemroot% folder?

What are the recommended file permissions for %systemroot% in Windows 8.1? I couldn't find hardened file system permissions to apply to better secure a Windows installation.
Parth Maniar
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4 answers

Possible to find out the last person to open a file on Windows without specialist tools?

So I suppose this is specific to the OS you are using or the filetype or software used to open it, but my question stands open for all really but I am particularly interested in more common files such as docx and xls. Note that the person to open…
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1 answer

What are the risks of file server access over wireless?

In our office, all computers connect to the network over wireless. The wireless is protected by a pass phrase and communication is AES encrypted. On the same network is a file server that is used solely for sharing files between employees. Each user…
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