Questions tagged [file-system]

A file system is a way of organizing information on a storage device like a computer hard drive.

A file system is a way of organizing information on a storage device like a computer hard drive.

201 questions
1 answer

Modifying the date time of the files before creating a zip archive

When we create a zip archive with same content more than once, the output zip archive may have different digest. It because date and time in the files we used in creating the zip archive. Because of this reason, sometimes I had to set the date time…
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1 answer

Decrypt or prevent Teslacrypt

Has anyone come up with a method to prevent receiving Teslacrypt or a method to decrypt encrypted files? Is there a way to prevent encryption on network attached storage? Is email the main avenue that Teslacrypt takes to get to end-users? Is…
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2 answers

How safe are encrypted file systems and how does their updates work?

Not so long ago the media widely discussed the deciphering of the encrypted iPhone of a terrorist in the United States. Apple said it was impossible to decrypt. Edit: The iPhone was encrypted, and Apple told that they cannot decrypt user data. But…
1 answer

Directory Traversal or File System Permissions?

A network administrator discovers several unknown files in the root directory of his Linux FTP server. One of the files is a tarball, two are shell script files, and last one is a binary- file is named "nc_ ". The FTP server's access logs show that…
1 answer

How to keep users's files seperate from each other?

I want to create cloud storage platform that users can uploads any kind of files and download them.But I want to be sure that none will enter another people files thats why I think I need to deny people to access with chmod but It seems that if I…
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4 answers

What role does paging play in respect to security?

What role does paging play in respect to security? By paging I mean memory management technique of splitting file memory into pages I guess the question is does it make files more secure?
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